Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] had [been] [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I ca n't begin to say what I think about these people who stole the plaque and the names of the servicemen which had been there for forty-eight years . ’
2 In spite of her unwillingness to join the outing , and the remote mood she had been in for most of the day , in the last few minutes she had begun to feel herself a real person .
3 But our focus is primarily upon people , not places as such ; the male survivors of the next generation of Titfords succeeded in wrenching themselves away from the town which had been home for their ancestors for over a hundred and seventy years — and we have no choice but to follow them .
4 A woman of 40 came with digestive disturbance which had been around for twenty years and which had been ameliorated but not cured by previous homœopathic treatment .
5 Her new life at Usher started appropriately on January 1st One day in the office , and she understood the situation better than some of the staff who had been there for years .
6 There we dropped off one hunter and his labrador , and collected two others who had been there for several days , totally alone with their guns , their butane gas stove , the deer and the eternal forests surrounding them .
7 The very same women who had been all for their daughters travelling abroad seemed suddenly to get bored with the idea .
8 It was considered inhumane to move out the large number of ‘ old long-stay ’ residents who had been there for many years .
9 He went home with a couple who had been together for twelve years , not because he wanted to know what it would be like to be made love to by two men at once , but rather to see how these particular two men lived as a couple ; specifically , what they did together in the morning before going to work .
10 Sinead had a hard time at school because she was a newcomer in a class which had been together for two years , and some of her fellow pupils knew her recent history .
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