Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] have [vb pp] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 The number of Acts , statutory instruments , White and Green Papers , consultative documents , guidelines and codes of practice gives the impression of intense activity , and each period of office has been marked by major pieces of legislation affecting health and social services , and by Acts which have brought about the denationalisation of important sectors of industry .
2 You may not be aware that excessive usage of the lifts does in fact cost the company a great deal of money , and in line with our cost-cutting efforts in other areas I have drawn up the following guidelines , which must be strictly adhered to from now on .
3 Legal authorities who have taken over the case have imposed a blackout on information and until their investigations are complete and the case is ready to go to trial , probably in two to three months time , no-one can say how many fakes were involved , what their real value was , nor indeed how many people worked in the ring .
4 This season of exhibitions promises a unique and long awaited opportunity to address , at first hand , the current concerns and practices of the women artists who have picked up the gauntlet of the conventional ‘ feminism versus modernism ’ polarisation .
5 The British banks which have written down the value of their loans most aggressively may be attracted by the fund , says Jim Mellon , a director of Tyndall .
6 How common is it to find Christians who have thought through the problem of doubt as a whole , rather than thinking through doubt piecemeal ?
7 The call for a probe follows a letter sent to Sunday Life last week by inmates in the powderkeg jail who have set up the Concerned Prisoners For Justice Committee .
8 At the same time , d the Tories are on their knees , some people , as I said earlier , I think it 's just as relevant in this debate , seem to have lost their way and when you took , look at what they 're proposing in terms of say , the er the fifty percent , the , the er M Ps , fifty percent of the votes for er the Parliamentary leader which of course is very consistent with , right , fifty percent of the vote , you take that along with proportional representation and what I believe you 're seeing is the number of people who have given up the ghost and are preparing to restructure the Party around coalition politics , and that 's where they 're heading , and they 're heading completely in the wrong direction because we 're more in tune with what 's going on in this country , the po opinion polls are saying fifty nine percent of the people actually I think , believe that er the Labour government is possible and will be voting for a Labour government , the alternative road is to oblivion and it 's not about modernizing , the people who 're proposing this coalition politics are n't modernizers , they 're Victorian politics , that 's what they 're about , they 're about taking us back , back before we created the Party , before we learnt the lesson that we needed to represent ourselves politically , they 're going back to , let's skil see what we get out of the Liberals , the free trade Liberals , in the nineteenth century , that 's where they 're going back , that 's not about modernization , real modernization is about making sure that the Labour Party speaks for the working people up and down this country and that 's our contribution to make to that Party and therefore we should have a role in decision making and influencing the Party that enables us as an organization to express that feeling , and that understanding of what people actually want in this country , and that 's why we 're supporting the C E C proposals .
9 A personalised scroll , a car stickers and a copy of the book Investigating the Seashore are among the benefits enjoyed by people who have taken up the offer .
10 There is also the adjective so-called , which in a comparably explicit way calls into question the relation between an entity and the description or properties which might be supposed to belong to it : ( 42 ) it is the so-called liberals who have closed down the press The author of this sentence is not casting doubt on the existence of the people he is writing about , nor on the existence of such properties as may be characterized by the word liberals ( nor for that matter the existence of people who might be so described ) but only on the validity of the relationship between the description " liberals " and the people who are acting as censors in the situation portrayed by this particular sentence .
11 Fresh from their success they have thrown down the gauntlet to the rest of the Group .
12 Press it flat with the seam you have sewn down the back of the head of the puppet .
13 It could not have been written if the " eagles " who are our modern gurus had not shown the path from altitude ; Lecercle calls himself , by contrast , a " centipede " grubbing about among tiny linguistic details , but he is a sensible and humorous centipede where some of the great eagles — the thinkers who have brought about the famous Copernican Revolution of Structuralism and Since — have been impenetrable or extremist .
14 Localisation of protein alone may identify not only producing cells , but also target cells and cells which have taken up the protein by endocytosis .
15 But however different these patterns may be , key ideas will be repeated in each , and by the time you have written down the key words referring to your topic from half a dozen texts , you will be halfway to having the skeleton articulated .
16 What shame on the Tories who have brought about the collapse of this key industry in the past 13 years .
17 It was late when we woke , and by the time we have cleared up the mess it is later still .
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