Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] go [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I mean , I 'd had the feeling before , a bit , the first couple of times I went up on the End , it was that much closer to the spindle .
2 At the height of the gale I go down to the pier to see how our local boats are doing , but all the anchors appear to be holding firm .
3 Several times in the next few months I went up to the top floor again , where I could look out of the high windows in the roof to see the surrounding countryside and be alone with my thoughts .
4 Well now , during this twelve months I went out on the beats etcetera , I just merely picked it up , if I was in doubt about anything my sergeant would put me right and the atmosphere , the amount of discipline was quite severe , for instance , I always , we had always to parade at least ten minutes before the hour to be acquainted with what had happened since we were last on duty .
5 My last weekend with the car I went over to the Island of Luing , leaving the car ( foot ferry only on Sundays ) at Cuan Ferry .
6 One Saturday I went out to the Royal County of Berkshire Polo Club , near Windsor , to watch the Moët et Chandon High Goal Challenge presented by Moët et Chandon in association with Harpers & Queen .
7 That was a case in which the house had a path running to the steps which went up to the road , the house being at a lower level than the road , and the plaintiff met with an accident on those steps …
8 He will make a recommendation which goes back to the Department of the Environment , who will make the final decision as to whether the building should be listed .
9 SUNDERLAND caretaker boss Malcolm Crosby was full of praise for his reserve side who went down to a single goal defeat to star-studded Manchester United Reserve side at Roker Park on Wednesday evening .
10 These large , rather crudely decorated , earthenware teapots were made at Coalville and Swadlincote , and many of the East Anglians who went up before the 1914–18 war brought ‘ Burton teapots ’ back with them because it was part of the experience of going to Burton , like buying a new suit .
11 But that but that 's tha that 's defeating the whole object of the exercise of getting you know more foot patrols , because it 's foot patrols that they 're talking about all the time , if you give 'em a car you go back to the you know the fire brigade syndrome when it was zip zip zip
12 On a Saturday she went up to the attic .
13 When the pair finish one car they go back to the beginning of their segment and start on another .
14 While he still had five fingers under his command he went back to the window and dropped Estabrook 's letter through , murmuring the address with a tongue that felt disfigured in his mouth .
15 It is a link which goes back to the Bronze Age and was common throughout the British Isles in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries .
16 During my spell on the late desk I went out on no fewer than eleven murders .
17 Man too has a mechanism of mimicry which goes back to the baby in the cradle answering its mother 's smile , older than any utilization for learning how others feel or how to pick up skills or even for play , and which can get out of control in neurotic echolalia and echopraxia .
18 Few of the million or so visitors who take advantage of the Garden as a public amenity each year are aware of the scientific heritage behind the Garden , or indeed of the high level of scientific work which goes on behind the scenes today .
19 You 're talking about some forms of abuse which went on for a very very long time indeed to pull the average up like that .
20 No matter which coach you went on in the old days ( and the Brightside and Carbrook Co-op ones were the best ) there was always a shilling sweep for the biggest fish and another shilling for the best roach .
21 A little while ago , not much more than a few days ago , I was a child who went about in a world of colours , of hard and tangible forms .
22 A MOTORIST who went out for a drive in his new car ended up at death 's door after a knife attack in the street .
23 And yet , if you join those two inert things together in the right ratios they go off with a very big bang .
24 Well they are fit cos they get on and off at any of the stops they go along to the attraction that they want to do .
25 On the corner of the cul-de-sac they go off at an angle do n't they .
26 When he reached the last machine he went back to the beginning and played them all again .
27 Confrontation with the United States was followed by the more dramatic confrontations with the French at Moruroa atoll where the goaded French beat up Greenpeace 's skipper , McTaggart , rammed a protest boat and eventually murdered a photographer who went down with the sabotaged Rainbow Warrior in Auckland harbour in July 1985 .
28 Last month PHILIP VANN looked at artists who had come up from the mines to become artists ; in this issue he concentrates on those artists who went down to the pit to paint
29 And judges Sir John Harvey-Jones and foot writer Jocelyn Dimbleby with presenter Loyd Grossman have to choose the winner who goes through to the final ‘ cook-off ’ in July .
30 After I did the course for two weeks I went down to a place in Ashford and I was in Ashford for twelve weeks , came back to Chelmsford , did another two weeks and then I was released as what 's known as probationer constable , a probationer constable .
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