Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [pers pn] [be] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Again , it was with the help of Phil Andrews , who was No.1 on Venturous at that time , with Bob Wellock , an ex air/sea RAF coxswain from Liverpool Customs in command whom I was meeting for the first time .
2 So it 's just the traffic side which I 'm dealing with here ?
3 Dieting may not be high on your enjoyment list , but we 've made pleasure a priority in Slim Plan — GH 's unique three-part diet programme which we 're launching in this issue ( page 82 ) .
4 He looked up into her wide blue eyes which were scrutinising him intently over the mug of tea which she was holding with two hands .
5 It is all too easy to daydream while reading and thereby not recognise words which we are looking at , but it is also possible to recognise words which we are not looking at .
6 There 's a lot of there in bulk which we 're gon na get out on Friday .
7 But it is useful to know what the conventional rules are , and also to bear in mind who you are writing for .
8 And wherever there was a suggestion of a space there would be a craftsman bent over his work : a weaver over his loom , a metal-worker crouched over a dish of grey ash fanning a lump of live charcoal in its midst with a blowpipe , a basket-worker holding what he was making with his toes so as to leave his hands free , a turner doing his turning with a little bow which might have been used to shoot arrows , the man making pegs for the ornate wooden windows .
9 and you work on the computers what you 're gon na be and then it 'll be silly if they brought you to a nursery afterwards if you wanted to be
10 Schedules are handy reference points , ways of showing clients what they are getting for their money , and the bases on which the media people actually go out to buy time and space .
11 Now bearing in mind what we were saying about exchange rates before the break , if the pound was strong that obviously implied that people wanted to buy sterling , but what goods did they want to buy off us ?
12 Try to sort of keep in mind what you 're aiming for but do n't rush getting there .
13 She tried to raise her head , wanting to see in his eyes what she was feeling in his embrace , but Guy cupped her cheek , holding her still against his chest .
14 company personal obligations , Appointments , , Marketing oblique prospecting time , Self development time , and time for administration What we 're gon na do is transcribe that into real life if you like , so we 're gon na to have Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday .
15 It seems a bit odd to be asking people to join the CTC in order to further the interests of cycling in Scotland ; but if we get this leaflet off the ground we can then tell HQ what we are doing for them .
16 Indeed , Picasso 's admiration for various complementary , at times even formally opposed categories of tribal sculpture is indicative of the instinctive pull which he was feeling between an increased interest in solid , sculptural forms and an awareness of the need to depict them in a manner that did not violate the flat , two-dimensional plane on which he was working .
17 He added : ‘ The printed text which I 'm delivering to the assembly today does not include the most recent examples of US action in my country . ’
18 Katia starts to talk about the special projects which they are planning in Japan , and groans about management with no sense of fun — ‘ Who 's that guy we met , Marielle ? — the big pompous one , who complained that I sang too much ? ’
19 well so that 's how it 's pleaded and that 's how we built it into the , these cases which I was referring to where an agreement is the object or the , the means or the consequence of an agreement , they enforce within five , the action is unlawful and of course there 's the final and fourth way in which it could be devoured this , because it , and again quoting the words from the cases , tends to have restricted affect on the market , I think your Lordship you can see how we pleaded it in paragraph two , two , three , it 's enforcing the consequence of the unlawful underline previous .
20 I have , as a result of the new storyboard , got a detailed list of proposals and suggestions from the new programmer which I am faxing to you ( eight pages to follow ) , and which will form the basis of formal discussions between the programmer and myself and possibly David , and from which we have to derive a proper technical specification .
21 Secondly , we must recall that the mental conflicts which I am identifying as the origins of human society and civilized behaviour — essentially those portrayed in the story of Oedipus — were as intensely painful and unpleasurable to those who experienced them then as they are to those who experience them in our own times .
22 Pre-trial defence disclosure — this should focus the minds of the jury on what really matters in the case which they are trying by identifying the key issues before the trial .
23 The last time I saw you , you had an old Gretsch which you were thinking of getting rid of …
24 Assad had urged recognition that " the only beneficiary of the present crisis is Israel " , promising that Syrian forces would fight alongside Iraqis if they were attacked after a withdrawal from Kuwait , and arguing that only such a withdrawal would avoid giving the " enemies of our Arab nation … the golden opportunity which they were dreaming of one day having , and which today is present " .
25 ‘ It is just one of a number of sites which we are looking at to formulate an extended park and ride system , ’ he said .
26 We anticipate a shortfall of fifteen thousand pounds compared to our original budget and what we 've done in that is we 've taken an element of seven thousand in a sense below the line so that it does n't affect this committee , but this committee has had to find eight thousand pounds with that shortfall and now the bulk of that has been met by the savings we found elsewhere in the budget and the final item there is er setting up a consultants budget of ten thousand pounds , there 's not a consultants budget of any significance at , at the moment of the committee erm the County Planning Officer anticipates there 's a need for consultants in the minerals local plan work which we 're coming into this year and also to assist in environmental assessments er and special on that .
27 I was working and all of a sudden and one the woman began to sing Rock of Ages in a loud voice and then the man joined in and I sort of thought I heard sort of and I thought oh , they 've got a bottle which they 've taken out of their pockets which they were passing from side to side .
28 ‘ I 've just been asked to take over a leading role in a production that 's been playing in Stratford which they 're taking to the Barbican .
29 It was enough that the girl had made the shoes which she was wearing for this special occasion , she certainly had no place in this night of Emily 's triumph .
30 A contact in Spain has managed to acquire a scarce publication which we were looking for , and has given the Library a copy .
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