Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [vb -s] up [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The 16-tonnes Shear Pack is the remotely controlled machine which cuts up fuel assemblies ready for the next stage in reprocessing , the chemical separation of the various elements .
2 Oil company officials said that they were excited at the new possibilities which opens up territory equivalent in size to the oil-producing state of Texas .
3 ONE of the things which sums up Border rugby is that when one arrives at Mansfield Park for a match , the bloke cheerfully parking cars in the wind and rain is liable to be one of Hawick 's living legends .
4 The only media contact I have with the world is via the car battery and radio which picks up Radio Sarajevo and Radio Belgrade . ’
5 We have a marketing executive who signs up golf clubs .
6 In the plan , British Telecom would install videodisc players at the point in a cable system which links up subscribers TV sets .
7 After 50yds fork right onto a track which climbs up Triscombe Combe .
8 friend of Mrs Jarley , a penurious rhymester who makes up advertising jingles .
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