Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [was/were] [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 Memories unfortunately fade and hopes soon waned when after 1 1/2 hours nothing was found in the area suggested .
2 Serum pepsinogen I was measured in the sample taken immediately before starting the meal by the commercial radioimmunoassay kit manufactured by Incstar Ltd ( Berkshire , UK ) .
3 I had quite a restless night , and did not really fancy the tea I was brought in the morning .
4 I visited Blamey 's house and studio in Hampstead and admired his highly disciplined and organised working methods which were reflected in the immaculately tidy house with its magnificent north-facing studio , built as a rear extension over two floors .
5 This definition was not carried forward into the later Acts , although both the Act of 1979 and the current Act did reproduce some of the provisions regarding depositors which were contained in the Act of 1963 .
6 Alexei was sitting on the end of a low couch which was positioned in the centre of the room .
7 Clearly , this will be related in some degree to the increase in the number of people owning and driving cars which was reported in the first Plan .
8 The six variables which were retained in the model accounted for 15.4% of the overall variation .
9 Over £60,000 was in the king 's Treasury in November 1326 , but some of this was spent paying off the force of Hainault mercenaries which Isabella had recruited for her invasion in 1326 ; some of it was simply appropriated by Mortimer and Isabella for their personal use , and some of it had to be used to finance the war against the Scots which was renewed in the summer of 1327 .
10 But men have had such experiences and done nothing further about them , either because they have decided that there was less to the experience than they at first supposed , or because they could not endure the ethical and spiritual demands which were implied in the unspoken , ineffable moment of divine knowledge .
11 These trends have reinforced the already closer contact between farmers and their workers brought about by mechanization and the declining size of the labour force which were discussed in the previous chapter .
12 The Natural History and Antiquarian Society of Islay had a very few books which were kept in the school at Bowmore but most of them seem to have been lost .
13 The titles of some of the books which were published in the golden age of deism well illustrate the terms of the debate : Locke 's The Reasonableness of Christianity ( 1695 ) ; Toland 's Christianity not Mysterious ( 1696 ) ; Collins ' The Grounds and Reasons of the Christian Religion ( 1724 ) ; and , on the other side , Butler 's The Analogy of Religion , Natural and Revealed ( 1736 ) and Dodwell 's Christianity not Founded upon Argument ( 1742 ) .
14 Rees and Miall examined investment data in industry which was assisted in the various regions for the period 1959–78 and concluded that the three regions — Scotland , Wales and the North — which received most government assistance under regional policy initiatives also experienced a noticeable shift of investment in their favour .
15 Lastly , question ( 4 ) referred to the court in Case C 221/89 is concerned with the fact that the Act of 1988 also applies to fishing vessels which were registered in the old register but , because they do not satisfy all the new requirements , in principle ceased to be registered on 31 March 1989 .
16 According to the documents before the court , the applicants in the main proceedings are the owners or operators of 95 fishing vessels which were registered in the register of British vessels under the Merchant Shipping Act 1894 .
17 Readers who were detecting in the late 1970s and 1980s will remember the range of excellent specialist diggers designed and manufactured by Buffallo Tools of Rayleigh in Essex .
18 Dr Pamela Horn has estimated that about a fifth of the Buckinghamshire and Bedfordshire lacemakers who were recorded in the 1851 census were under the age of fifteen .
19 The term itself was coined in the 1930s and arose originally from studies of schizophrenia , though it has since proved equally ( if not more ) applicable to psychotics with other diagnoses , notably mania .
20 After a hesitant start , the other leftwing and progressive parties who were defeated in the first round have joined Mr Da Silva 's campaign , along with the Socialist and Communist parties , which already supported him in the Popular Front coalition .
21 Men from the British cruisers London and Curlew protected the foreigners who were concentrated in the neutral zone of the Hotels Reid 's , Atlantic and Savoy .
22 Marie turned , hearing noises behind her , then broke into a smile , bowing to the two elderly gentlemen who were passing in the corridor .
23 Her room was lit by a single naked bulb which hung from the ceiling and shone harshly on Ellen who was standing in the doorway of her tiny bathroom .
24 ‘ Now we 'll begin again , ’ said the CEO , ‘ and we will bury all the thinking we were doing in the last meeting and approach everything from a new angle .
25 David Mellor , the man who warned journalists they were drinking in the Last Chance Saloon , was about to call last orders on himself .
26 When the pails reached Kuwait they were left in the open on the quayside and the pails melted in the hot sunshine .
27 Well , it was actually started by a few railway men , th right opposite Street there used to be hand laundry , and then there was a row of houses , from there , running up to the corner of Street where the club stands originally , but in the beginning it was just a row of small houses , and it started with a few railway men having a meet holding the meetings in this house , in these houses , and I 've got very dim memories of how it actually started but it was a real event when they were first , before they actually built the club it was run in the row of houses that ran from up Street as I say there was a little hand laundry corner of Street heading onto Street on the left hand side was the greengrocers , and that , they kept that greengrocers for as long as I can remember .
28 In his first season at Arsenal he was cast in the role of footballer turned male model .
29 The City of Paris offered as its gift to the Prince a cradle which was fashioned in the shape of a Viking boat with the Imperial eagle at its prow , while above the infant 's head the City of Paris , personified by a young woman , held aloft the Imperial crown .
30 The great sun god had many forms and names , seventy-four of which were listed in the Litany of Re , a text which was inscribed in the entrances of royal tombs of the New Kingdom .
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