Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [is] [vb pp] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although they are not involved in the formal festivities it is known the Duke of York and the Queen wanted them nearby so they could enjoy seeing the children .
2 A new book of unusual views of Oxfordshire has been published , featuring the work of a photographer who 's made the county his adopted home .
3 For the Profitboss it is an opportunity to provide a new challenge to Steve Lockhart , the graduate trainee in Personnel who 's won the confidence of the line management in engineering .
4 For the last two years he 's covered the City of London Festival , a smaller version of the Edinburgh Festival .
5 For the last two years he 's covered the City of London Festival , a smaller version of the Edinburgh Festival .
6 It is not only this informal witness to Jesus which is promised the aid of the Holy Spirit .
7 Eh , you can start a game anywhere on this foot foot-line which is called the line , .
8 ‘ No , but then I do n't usually have to wonder what 's going on in the mind of the person who 's made the offer , ’ she returned .
9 ‘ That 's exactly the same as telling the wall it 's hurt the person who just banged his head on it .
10 Many of his lower-deck characters were comic figures — Chucks the boatswain in Peter Simple , for example , whose passionate desire to be a gentleman is satisfied when in return for his help with the newly constituted Danish Navy he is awarded the title of Count Schucksen , or Muddle the carpenter in the same book , who believes the world works in a repeating cycle of 27,672 years .
11 But despite the obvious problems it 's hoped the unit will be operational within two weeks .
12 Paul Bodin 's the name … three goals in three games … from his unlikely birth at left back he 's hit the winner … the only goal … in the last two matches …
13 Welcome back : In a few minutes we 'll be meeting the teenager who 's joined the elite in the world of magic .
14 Libby Purves meets the woman who 's become the guru of children 's television — from Playschool to Playdays
15 And e if you look up there that extremely overbuilt area there is called the crown post truss .
16 Taylor confirmed : ‘ Like everyone at QPR he 's started the season well and I was impressed with him against Arsenal . ’
17 Down under , the man who 's turned the motor racing world upside down this season .
18 An award to a man who 's taken the future of the world into his own hands .
19 From Oxford he 's travelled the world on a lifetime of adventure …
20 Within minutes it 's proved the baby is anaemic .
21 Lacroix and Pirotte ( 1977 ) have proposed an alternative calculus which is named the domain calculus in which the fundamental base is that of a domain variable .
22 Instead , the only thing it is hoped the VAT receipts will help insulate is the Chancellor of the Exchequer himself , from further scathing criticism of his massive borrowings .
23 The beer will have labels giving all the information it is felt the beer consumer needs .
24 Oddly enough these men of science are not only willing but eager to talk on their subject , and to that end he 's invited the author of his present reading matter to lunch on Sunday to explain about ‘ … anti-idiotypic monoclonal antibodies , that … ’
25 Some time , by the way he 's pounded the mould .
26 By the end of April next year it is hoped the project will have created between six and eight additional walks , in locations which have yet to be decided .
27 Put as simply as possible the hypothesis is : — From the start of life up to a certain time which is designated the Dawn of Civilisation , ‘ goodness ’ was being created from one source only , that source being the endless stream of infinitely small but favourable evolutionary changes or events , producing an infinite number of minute units of what , by virtue of its favourable nature , has been termed ‘ goodness ’ , the outcome of each favourable event being regarded as one unit .
28 By the time she 's cleared the jam , they 're in the outskirts of Bournemouth .
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