Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [vb base] at the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 erm There was a great deal of difficulty I think at the court , as well as the rather glamorous exterior .
2 One of the things the group in Wolverhampton I think at the Theatre Royal there is , is doing both audio descriptions by sign language I think and one of the things they 've , they , they do is meet in the bar
3 Now I do n't care what people say : at times I look at the child and I am so happy I ca n't sleep at night .
4 However , at other times I feel at the end of my tether .
5 Looking back at him , she said , ‘ The only ambition I have at the moment is to survive my eighteen months with G.W. Fashions .
6 It is necessary to look at the words which appear at the foot of the defined expressions in section 251 .
7 That this was an error was explained to the House by Lord Eversley , who then stated that ‘ the case was provided for by words which appear at the end of the clause ’ .
8 They must consider all new books as well as the old ones , and must therefore hold back enough funds to cover those books which appear at the end of the financial year .
9 What result you want at the end of the day ?
10 so I said could Mike go in and do the fencing you see at the side , to keep the dog out
11 From Councillor Brereton to the Chief Constable of Lothian and Borders Police and to Wimpey Homes Holdings Ltd detailing the problems caused by teenagers who congregate at the wall leading from Baberton Mains Dell to Wester Hailes .
12 Our six case-study schools whose procedures for combating truancy we report at the end , regularly monitored attendance and absentee pupils rates and were alert to ways of keeping disaffected pupils in school .
13 The data we have at the moment suggest that we should reach our targets about 80% of the time , but our aim over the years will be not only to reach the targets in a higher proportion of cases but also to make the targets more difficult .
14 These and many hundreds of other questions , views and theories are debated endlessly by us as a group until we reach a view which satisfies us that , at least on the basis of the knowledge and data we have at the moment , we have some sort of cohesiveness .
15 Bain and Howells ( 1988 , Ch. 5 ) outline a simple monetary base approach to controlling the money supply and also discuss the money market operations which stand at the centre of current methods of control .
16 It is clear from thinking in Brussels and Paris that their views on international trade owe more to Friedrich List than to Adam Smith , although it is always surprising that they bemoan their countries ' so-called tutelage to the United States and at the same time attack the liberal economic policies which lie at the root of American power : why do they not realise that they should adopt economic liberalism as well ?
17 To understand what the issue is really about , we must look more carefully at the premises they bring to bear on the discussion of reduction ; for this debate functions as a strait-jacket , stifling the very assumptions and aspirations which lie at the heart of the dispute .
18 Before attempting to describe the various approaches to learning and teaching which may be found in the contemporary primary school , it would be appropriate to list in the broadest of terms the key elements which lie at the heart of the curriculum .
19 We do not risk , as we would have done if we had handled the Bill in any other way , leaving those matters which come at the end of the Bill — as the Scottish provisions do — not to be debated fully .
20 Golfers who stay at the Inn are thoroughly spoilt .
21 It 's like them pens you get at the seaside .
22 Yeah catching rabbits a hedge and cut down a stick you know at the corn on the old and if we were lucky we used to get erm we used to er seat the old fella on the boiler and have a ride round on one of the horses .
23 The delicious Rob Walker who , in a journalistic disguise , was and is still around in the sport , must be the only other man I ever met in FI who while at the heart of the sport never took it with the grim tenacity with which the more parvenu consider the business of winning and losing .
24 Plants which root at the bottom and have leaves at the base in the form of a rosette .
25 Plants which root at the bottom with leaves borne on vertical stems .
26 Plants which root at the bottom but float their leaves on the surface .
27 Make up two identical sets of letters to the total number of guests you have at the party .
28 I can certainly confirm on the specific point that the hon. Gentleman raised that those workers who work at the Ministry of Defence can continue to be members of the union of their choice .
29 That I was the absentee hostess and nobody like the chocolate cake we serve at the garden parties .
30 Tonight , in this post-Christmas period we look at the problem of debt .
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