Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [be] [verb] [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 Herbal remedies are usually dispensed as tinctures , either singly or in various combinations which are prepared specifically for the patient on the basis of their complaints .
2 At the lower end of the market are " home " computers which are designed often for computer enthusiasts for programming or for children or adults to play computer games .
3 He is also in the chair for the second single , due in May , and the debut album which is pencilled in for an August release .
4 Governors , teachers , parents and the earlier or later phases of education need to belong to a partnership which is managed directly for the benefit of children and students .
5 Does he agree with the Prime Minister who told me in a letter this week that even that does not justify a special economic initiative or does he agree with local industry which is crying out for a partnership with Government to take Britain out of recession ?
6 With a lunge , he grabbed the bag from between her fingers and flung it across the parquet , where it landed with a thump before skidding to rest beneath a radiator , then before she could react to such a flare of violence he was reaching out for her , dragging her into his embrace , his lips ravening hungrily over her own with a fever of desire that sent shock waves of fear and desire quivering through her .
7 We kept guard against the security forces and helped in the communal kitchen which was set up for the support committee .
8 The defendant was standing in the dock awaiting the sentence which was given immediately for the charge which had been reduced to manslaughter .
9 We very much welcome the recognition given to the importance of voluntary and community organisations providing transport by using minibuses but you will note from the document that this relaxation is related exclusively to those groups which are set up for ‘ charitable purposes ’ .
10 My hon. Friend 's second criticism of the way in which the scheme has worked is that the £24 million budget which was set aside for the two financial years — and I emphasise two years — 1989-91 was underspent .
11 This applies also to the British Council , our arm of cultural diplomacy , which is facing unprecedented demands from the newly liberated countries which are looking out for English language teachers .
12 This is a recess in the hall which is set apart for tea and music and is characterized by a certain daintiness of treatment which bears a feminine relation to the masculine ruggedness of the hall … at the opposite end is the ‘ refectory' ’ … .
13 These are combined to give an overall requirement which is grossed up for tax and converted into the local currency .
14 Nick 's mother , Marilyn who 's campaigned vigourously for his release , says her son has now moved to a neighbouring state in Western India because he 's fearful of repercussions .
15 If that power was sufficient , the holy spirit , if that power was sufficient to raise Christ from the dead , you not think he 's able to exert that power in your life and in my life to make us live lives that are pleasing to God , of course it is so we do n't do it ourselves , just let me in closing mention one other thing , this relationship we have needs to be maintained , you know for any relationship to grow , one needs to spend time with the other person , I do n't give a lot of credence to the saying that absence makes the heart grow fonder , it does with somebody else , it 's true , it does not make it grow fonder of that person the person is you know who you , you heard this story so often , like particularly like going back during the last war , folk who were separated sometimes for , for , not just for months but for several years , there they were in concentration camps perhaps , in prisoner of war camps , separated for years , they come back home they 've got to get to know each other all over again you see that a relationship on a human level as well as in our relationship with God is dependent on , on association , it 's dependent on companionship , it 's dependent on spending time with the other person and in our relationship with Christ this is achieved by , by prayer , by knowing and understanding God 's word , by having fellowship with other Christians and fellowship with other Christians is not just meeting them and passing the time of day with them , oh that 's fellowship but it 's far more than that is required , there 's the fellowship in worship , we worship together , of course I can worship God at home of course I can do it , so can you do it and we , we should do it , but there 's that re , there 's that need , that requirement as God 's people we come together to worship him in a corporate act , in the sacraments , in , as we mentioned in , in earlier on in taking the bread and the wine and remembering the lords death , there 's a sense in which I can do it by myself
16 He could have destroyed Tottenham except for their world class goalie who is shaping up for a good World Cup eh Halvard ?
17 You hurry slowly in the Atlas : at the highest village we were taken in for tea again , by a sister of Ali 's .
18 The last ten minutes of the journey were so exciting , I just could n't wait to plonk my feet in a nice bowl of water , then we reached the village we were to stay in for the next three weeks .
19 This follows ICL 's successful implementation of a departure control system for airline Cathay Pacific ( CI No 1,842 ) , and the work it is carrying out for the on-line departure system planned for the Channel Tunnel passenger rail services ( CI No 2,016 ) .
20 G. Scunthorpe ( 66 000 people ) is a town which was created solely for the iron and steel industry and for heavy engineering , using the steel to build such things as cranes and sections for bridges .
21 They followed the Thames as it curved down past the Savoy Palace , Durham and York House , past the high-pooped ships scarred from long voyages which were crowding in for repairs .
22 The whole penis is then rubbed with 33% calomel ointment which is kept on for several hours .
23 Traditional Campa agriculture is based on garden or chacra plots which are used mainly for the cultivation of manioc , although plantains , bananas , sweet potatoes and beans are also grown on a smaller scale .
24 The conservative teacher who is looking only for a reasonable salary and a peaceful life .
25 She 'd told her husband she was going out for a walk with their pet dog , Kirsty , when she was found the dog was still clinging to her .
26 Monday we 're going out for dinner .
27 Groups formed in this way tended to remain relatively stable , moving as a whole from one activity to another , although in a few classes they were formed only for specific activities ( generally mathematics ) and disbanded for the rest of the day .
28 At the door which led back on to the landing he was looking around for a prop or a wedge to pin it open when he thought of the parcel that he 'd been hugging since the zoo .
29 ‘ At the moment he is progressing normally for his age , but the worry is always there .
30 At the moment he 's searching around for sponsors .
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