Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [prep] the [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Money which in the sixteenth century had played merely a marginal , though a necessary part , now became the one thing necessary for the maintenance of life …
2 These meetings were often passionate affairs : the deadening decorum which in the twentieth century has come to be identified with religious gatherings did not prevail in the nineteenth century .
3 The defence thus utilized one side of the ambivalence — the love and high esteem felt for the father — to build a bulwark against the other — the hate and contempt of the father — in order to inhibit the aggressive egoism of males and make them all equally subject to a primal father-figure who for the first time now became fully internalized as a shared superego .
4 A malfunctioning main undercarriage gear meant that NAA missed out on a $ 250,000 bonus for exceeding Mach One on the first flight .
5 These are the Chukchis , Koryaks and Itelmens of the extreme north-east and the Kamchatka Peninsula , the Yukagirs who in the seventeenth century inhabited a very large territory between Chukotka and the lower Lena , the Ainu of southern Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands , the Nivkhs of the lower Amur and Sakhalin , and the Kets of the Yenisei .
6 Er I 'll just talk erm just talk briefly about emergency access money , cos this wi this covers one point I in the next session .
7 2 or 3 days at home in Oxfordshire is a luxury , even when he does get the chance to relax , he watches re-runs and readies himself for the next race .
8 Office workers who on the first day possible in the early year had rushed out in their lunch hour to cover any patch of grass with bare legs and arms , floral patterns and jackets , as if some strange immediate growth had been brought out by the sun , to die back in the early afternoon , had by now got the habit of staying in the dark bowels of buildings when they could .
9 and we 're , and then , and then I 'll start in , in room one on the seventh floor .
10 Then on the day of issue you address the envelope , stick on the stamps , post it in the First Day Cover posting box , and it will receive a First-Day-of-Issue postmark .
11 Roman answered the phone himself at the first ring , and Claudia 's heart turned over .
12 However , it was precisely the lack of consensus about Thebes ' — or anybody else 's — leadership which in the fifth century led to federalism of so unusual and developed a kind , and which gave Boiotia the cohesion , and the manpower , to defeat Sparta at Leuktra in 371 .
13 In 1651 the Dutch republic forbade its diplomats to accept gifts from foreign governments ; and in 1692 regulations were issued in Sweden which for the first time specified the value of those to be given to foreign representatives on their departure .
14 It was J. J. Berzelius in Sweden who in the second decade of the century put atomism on a much more secure footing .
15 It behaves just like Tit for Tat itself after the first move , but — this is what makes it technically nasty — it does defect on the very first move of the game .
16 The question is Schedule One with the first schedule of the bill as many as that opinion will say content ?
17 We 'll all get one sixth that 's dealt with one pizza what about the next pizza ?
18 He looked round the drawing-room , at the pictures and looking-glasses and ornaments shrouded in black , at Alexandra herself in the first mourning dress she had ever had .
19 Steve McQueen in The Getaway and Bullitt and Paul Newman in The Drowning Pool are the big fashion influences cited at Burro , the people who in the last couple of years have flogged us tank tops as well as the classic ‘ No Alla Violenza ’ Ts in conjunction with Duffer .
20 It was a fascinating glimpse of a people who in the sixteenth century had never seen a wheel or a sea-going ship , had never faced an armoured knight on horseback or the fire power of crossbows and guns , but whose roads and lines of communication through the incredible terrain of the Andes , whose methods of agriculture by irrigation and whose whole political set-up , so close to what we know as Communism , was in some ways more advanced than that of their conquerors .
21 Situated in a conservation area in the historical town of Lewes , Millers derives its name from the millers who in the 19th century sold their produce from the front parlour ( now the dining room ) .
22 Using this last possibility , Spenser implies that the English acting firmly against Ireland might demonstrate that they have purified the fault which was going to cause Ireland to scourge them in the first place , namely a tameness in executing God 's designs against savage immorality .
23 Graffiti around his house sneer ‘ Ustasha ’ , the name of the puppet government which during the last war collaborated with the Nazis .
24 Her heart sank as she remembered the phone call which for the first time began to make sense .
25 Very kind , but international players are supposed to be habitually influential , and it was Hazard who in the second half , with a few incisive passes , gifts from the heavens on a day like this , left a greater mark .
26 My main opposition in the final was Phil Brown from Birmingham , already an established international and the man who over the next decade or so was to be a team-mate of mine and to be the British anchorman in some very fine 4 × 400 metres relay performances .
27 This year Farnborough also has a skate scene emerging from Farnborough itself for the first time since about 1981 .
28 Indeed , their first trip to Scotland since 1981 would not have been possible without the assistance of four British-based companies trading in Eastern Europe who at the eleventh hour put up a total of £10,000 .
29 Below me were Ribblehead and the viaduct , while to my right was Ingleborough which for the first time in days looked fresh and green instead of glowering and grey .
30 This was an adaptation , evolved by the courts , of the writ of account which from the thirteenth century had been available against bailiffs , factors and receivers .
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