Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [verb] [prep] first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Neither judgment is quite the epitaph it seems at first sight .
2 There are occasional academic studies which appear at first glance to support such interpretations , such as that of West , Roy and Nichols .
3 Claudius made two other arrangements which seem at first sight to be highly anomalous .
4 I 'm gon na start by going back to that graph we looked at first thing this morning which is trying to explain what had been happening to the pattern of tourism , both visitors to this country and visitors moving away from this country in the period nineteen seventy eight to nineteen eighty two .
5 Although signatures can be added after the initial printing of the Motion ( and usually are ) , its impact is judged very much on the amount of support it receives on first printing .
6 Partly this involves his audience in material which seems at first sight the familiar stuff of the music-hall chorus .
7 There was a silence for the first time it occurred to first form that the spider might of been put there on purpose , they looked at one another .
8 At the end of a quarter of a mile of rough track it seems on first sight to be a typically humble and remote farmhouse , with its low and unobtrusive policies almost growing around it .
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