Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 But if he has to do it all over again , there are likely to be two main changes : a tougher approach from the start and a campaign team which knows what time the Nine O'Clock News starts .
2 From the moment he opened his mouth the pub was in uproar .
3 That evening he showed his wife the little bronze relief .
4 Many are portrayed as strong personalities : the Swansea shopkeeping grandmother , a ‘ wonderful old lady ’ who would tell historical stories of the Rebecca Riots ; the cultured , much-travelled Scots widow , a ‘ remarkable woman ’ who ran her late husband 's estate ; the toothless , pipe-smoking , ‘ mediumistic ’ Lancashire granny who believed in ghosts and practised second sight ; or the Scot ploughman 's wife who taught her grandson the Bible and catechism ‘ patiently , affectionately , and prayerfully … and at night she would put me to bed , wrap me snug and warm , and kindly teach me short prayers , psalms , and hymns . ’
5 He lacks the star quality which makes its possessor the automatic focus of attention .
6 If I get home at 12.30 I probably wo n't want to go down a club , but I 'll pull a beer out of the fridge , sit down and have a laugh at everybody else making pillocks of themselves , including the prat who calls him self the Hitman .
7 Despite our spectacular surroundings it was those people who made our trek the memorable experience it was .
8 Fat Trask choked with laughter , spattering half-chewed pasta over another man who slapped him upside the head .
9 Once she 'd downed some of the extra-strong brew she gave her sister the bare bones of the story , then turned dull eyes on Elise 's horrified face .
10 When Jesus began his public ministry he made his manifesto the prophecy of Isaiah 61:1–2 which he selected and read in the synagogue at Nazareth ( Luke 4:18 , 19 ) :
11 When he does have something to say he does so politely , almost shyly , but with a touch of the tongue-in-cheek humour which made his father the darling of the fans in the Sixties and Seventies .
12 Philip Burton was also in it ( no doubt he got his ward the part ) and so was Dylan Thomas .
13 By the time I reach my car the sack is giving way completely .
14 Each time she heard her name the girl stared at them more anxiously than ever , as if she wanted to speak , to excuse herself , but was too exhausted .
15 And every time she sang her song the people knew that she 'd be coming back .
16 ‘ When Thatcher was on the pot , it is my belief she was peremptorily required by her mother and grandmother to do her duty , ’ writes Abse , and proceeds to build a gigantic edifice on the assumption : ‘ A mother who is peremptory when the child wants satisfaction at the breast , is the same severe mother who denies her child the pride in her own first creation , her faeces , ’ he explains .
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