Example sentences of "[noun] [pron] [verb] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It makes even worse reading and it distresses me to have to bring it to the attention of the House .
2 ‘ But of course everyone 's forgotten it by now ? ’
3 That long white robe I had seen him in that night was a sort of hospital gown .
4 oh yes he said I 've worked it out those extra hours I 've paid you for them but I thought you actually worked for them for nothing and I 've just given you a bonus
5 She could have her Mum I heard call her at home to make sure , if anything had happened , so
6 But of course I had to remove him from the field . ’
7 The first thing I did was to refurbish my 1973 vehicle , of course I have kept it in good order .
8 Regarding the recent articles concerning the B-29 Superforts , or Washingtons , with the RAF I remembered flying them during my time in the post-war RAFVR .
9 When my jealousy put me upon such a vindictive conduct to you I took a bond for the money I had caused you to be troubled for .
10 And my Lord a short part I wish to refer you to and that is on page a hundred and seventy nine which is er the section when the judge was dealing with er the law of duty and the judge Mr Justice said during the trial I express some concern to what evidence has been called it is not necessary to refer to lawyers professional liability by .
11 Although it is not a mountain tent I did take it on a high camp with a family group .
12 I do n't think I had ever watched the dawn break until my Waaf days — certainly I had never stayed up all night before , and however many times I had to do it in the course of my duties , it always seemed to me a highly unnatural procedure .
13 He 's got a week 's growth of beard which seems to be permanent , judging from the times I 've seen him in the past .
14 Mummy me want to eat them in the high chair
15 Mummy me want to eat them in that high chair , you staying out here ?
16 If his average for the first X tests is one greater than the average Sorry beg your pardon I 've got it round me round me neck .
17 Mr Grainger , who believes that the association could be the first of its kind in the country , has contacted the American Brain Tumour Association which has provided him with a wealth of information .
18 Mr Grainger , who believes that the association could be the first of its kind in the country , has contacted the American Brain Tumour Association which has provided him with a wealth of information .
19 Nonetheless , it seems to me that the rule requires the justices to record and to announce the facts which they judged to be significant in the making of their decision and also the salient considerations which have led them to their conclusion .
20 By an effort of memory she could just recall a time when money had been plentiful , and her father — then strong and well — had spent it with a gay extravagance which had delighted her as a small child .
21 She will return to the fold which has enveloped her with love and support during her difficult marriage .
22 Shelford was in Wales last October to watch Neath beat Toulouse , a result which has led him to a conclusion similar to Wyllie 's : ‘ From the performance Neath put on that night , Welsh rugby is in pretty healthy hands . ’
23 He never spoke of the tragedy which had driven him into seclusion .
24 The President himself had transmuted it into a grand desire for peace .
25 AD LIB RALLY LATEST … over in Gloucester rugby fans have spent the weekend celebrating after a famous win over Saracens … but the price of victory for the cherry and whites was an injury to scrum half Marcus Hannaford which has put him in hospital and put the good name of the sport to the test
26 They may even find time for a sustained effort to win the Premiership , a trophy which has eluded them since 1987 , the only way they can improve on their remarkable exploits of the last two seasons .
27 I found it folded in a corner , still heavy with the perfume of the Sheikha who had given it to me .
28 Instead she gazed into the dully glowing ashes of the dying fire and remembered a wild , enchanted garden and a tender , handsome soldier who had awoken her to approaching womanhood with one gentle kiss and a rose .
29 The players owe a debt to the club and those long-suffering fans who have made them among the best paid in the game .
30 I make this point after returning from a day 's walking near Ullswater when I was approached by a party of walkers who had followed me for some distance thinking that I was headed for the same destination .
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