Example sentences of "[noun] [art] [adj] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In Phipps the accused borrowed the car to drive his wife to Victoria Station .
2 In those circumstances the accused has the intention permanently to deprive because of s.6(1) .
3 Two of his daughters lived ‘ in sin ’ without any comment from their father , but as soon as Louis the Pious inherited the crown , he banished these sisters to appease the Church and his own sensitive conscience .
4 Following their usual custom the accused kept the medal until the victim collected it later in the day when the latter would pay for it .
5 Alfred the Great led the resistance against the Danes from Athelney in the Somerset Levels ; and although every schoolchild knows that William of Normandy conquered England in 1066 , he did not succeed in subduing Ely and the surrounding fens until 1071 , when Hereward the Wake submitted .
6 The grim determination with which Peter the Great restored the army after the disaster at Narva ( 1700 ) , and risked all in the decisive battle against the Swedes at Poltava ( 1709 ) , reflected in large measure his own indomitable , exuberant , ruthless personality .
7 A poet in the 870s imagined Charles the Bald controlling the wheel of fortune , throwing down one man , and raising up another .
8 Charles the Bald remained the villain of the piece .
9 Then when he took to chasing he produced one of the best performance by an Irish horse at Cheltenham when going down narrowly to Garrison Savannah in the 1990 Sun Alliance Novices Chase — and Garrison Savannah the following won the Gold Cup and finished second in the National .
10 In the following summer the English reoccupied the border counties and Dumfriesshire , and for the next ten years the principal concern of the Scots became the recovery of their king and their lost territory .
11 In this way the British created the situation of the small farmer , destroyed him by taxation , and raised on his back a new exploiting class , the money lenders .
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