Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] not [verb] her [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At the root of the mixture of emotions that Kylie felt that day was the very real feat that despite the fame and fabulous wealth that might lie ahead of her , her future might not allow her to ever again be part of as precious and close a group of friends as she was during her Neighbours days .
2 The fact that the Superintendent could not look her in the eye was not lost on Kate .
3 For Emilia , as for himself , Dr Horrocks 's reassurance that miscarriage was a kind of mercy had brought no deep comfort , and Frere would not remind her of it , for he had quickly seen that , in some way he was far from comprehending , the loss was more secondary to her than it was to himself .
4 Television Producers would not cast her in lead roles , knowing full well the public would immediately identify her as ‘ that Doctor Who girl ’ .
5 Maggie 's face flushed hotly and she was glad that Ana could not see her at that moment .
6 This morning even the scenery could not lift her from her jaundiced mood .
7 She dived towards it , anxious some other would-be caller should not beat her to it and begin on one of those endless conversations the French seemed to have , searching through her pockets for change and trying to recall the International dialling code and the number of the line which connected direct with Nick 's office , bypassing the busy switchboard , all at the same time .
8 She hoped that Constance would not embarrass her by telling Mick that she wished to be a kennel-maid : she 'd changed her mind anyway .
9 Their relationship had become calmer , more gentle , then he remembered Doctor Vincentius and hoped the physician would not ensnare her with his subtle charm .
10 This , Emecheta explains , is a very strong goddess of the Ibos , so strong that Hausa soldiers dare not attack her for fear of being made impotent .
11 I also told her that there was no guarantee that she would come up with the answer the first time she was regressed , as this would be a new experience for her and her ever-protective subconscious would not want her to be upset in any way .
12 She had aged in four years , lost whatever attraction she had ever had , and it made her miserable to realise this son would not remember her without grey hair .
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