Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] go [adv prt] to the " in BNC.

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1 belief is that er if you get the trustee balance right , that 's the first place where the decision ought to be made , but there should be a fall-back position which Good has given , which they the trustees could go to the regulator in the case of er not being able to solve things , but are feeling very much on surpluses , that the money is there first of all to pay pensions and until pensions are paid up to Inland Revenue levels , whatever they are , then no money should go back to the company .
2 I M P A Cs belief is that er if you get the trustee balance right , that 's the first place where the decision ought to be made , but there should be a fall back position which Good has given , which they they trustees could go to the regulator in the case of er not being able to solve things , but our feeling very much on surplus is that the money is there first for to pay pensions and until pensions are paid up to Inland Revenue levels whatever they are , then no money should go back to the company .
3 British Rail should go back to the drawing board , look at the line and the station together , and produce a new , properly worked out Bill that addresses both the line and the station .
4 Cars must go back to the A683 beyond Barbon and that road followed south to the next village of Casterton , which has a school founded for the daughters of clergy and made famous by its association with the Brontë sisters .
5 Four finalists will go through to the closing contest on Sunday when James Lockhart and the ENO orchestra provide an operatic interlude while the jury is out for the final count .
6 Ireland should go back to the past and pray and concentrate on God .
7 Fenella will go on to the Fire Court , of course , ’ said Floy , who had very nearly managed to convince himself of this .
8 I think what what Mr Wincup was saying at the end of the day , is that the Inspector 's report and the conclusions on the greenbelt local plan will go back to the parent authority , the originating authority , which is North Yorkshire , equally my rec report , out recommendations on this alteration go back to North Yorkshire , they have to take regard to whatever we recommend , ultimately they will take a decision on that , erm depending on the decision other things may flow from it , and I ca n't really speculate on what those are at the moment , but effectively the final decision as to what they accept or reject will rest with North Yorkshire .
9 And at the end of the day he 's tired , he 's physically weary , and he says let's get away for a while let's go over to the other side .
10 Anyone who could n't make the open day should go along to the Monday evening practice sessions .
11 However , if Powerhouse can turn the tables , the title would go down to the wire and almost certainly be decided on set difference .
12 The first three in each race will go through to the final at Brighton on March 4 .
13 Anyone who hits the wrong egg must go back to the beginning .
14 The aspirations of the knightly class at its best and the sense that Christendom must go over to the offensive against Islam are nowhere more succinctly expressed than in this poem , written when the Christian reconquest of Spain was well under way , but when the crusades had only just begun , shortly before or shortly after the launching of the First Crusade .
15 but it meant people could go up to the box office and take a tape recorder and sit and listen to them
16 There was the man who had been with him and taken the briefcase from the hotel room and who in the morning would go back to the Golani Brigade stationed on the Lebanese border and who would be chided by his fellow officers for having taken leave while the military workload was intense .
17 All of those er folders will go out to the parents .
18 During filming in LA , Harry and Lillian would go down to the set and watch their son perform .
19 She and her security advisers should go back to the drawing board .
20 The scorpions will go back to the owner because they 're rented .
21 A final damages figure for Eleanor will be agreed within the next 6 to 9 months but , if not , the case will go back to the High Court for the compensation to be decided .
22 The search for the answer must go back to the late 1960s .
23 Every week a detachment of men who had completed all the selection processes , interviews and tests would go off to the 4ème Règiment Étranger at Castelnaudary near Toulouse to start their basic training .
24 Andrew would go back to the bright lights of the capital and she , Benedicta , would ensure that Topaz was kept too busy to think about things which could break her heart .
25 Logistics will go over to the operations division .
26 The school should go out to the community and the community should also support and be part of the school .
27 Then the next morning when he was still sleeping it off , Doris 'd go off to the pub herself and have a few , and bring back a quart of mild , and they 'd get drunk again together .
28 Whenever he thought about this in later years , his memory would go back to the Cuddesdon time and the shock of seeing a House of Commons pretending that it knew how people ought to say their prayers .
29 Soon Diana and Mary would leave Moor House to return to the wealthy families in the south , where they were both governesses , and St John would go back to the vicar 's house in Morton , with Hannah , his housekeeper .
30 I hope that Sibbald and colleagues will go back to the practices in their survey to examine this important issue and to explain the uneven distribution of counsellors working in general practice .
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