Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] not [verb] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 In extreme cases perhaps it is , but relief should not be refused unless the applicant 's conduct or motive makes it inappropriate to award the relief sought in this case : courts should not refuse relief in order to penalize an applicant for bad conduct unrelated to the relief sought .
2 Anyone who has contact with the real world knows that sometimes the management might not have confidence in the work force and the work force might not have confidence in the management .
3 This Review was subject to a number of appeals for re-assessment , but the final recommendations , as described in the Times Higher Education Supplement ( Anon 1988 ) were that : Aberdeen should not support research in the earth sciences , ( although lobbying from the petroleum industry and politicians ensured the continuation of its highly successful M Sc courses in petroleum geology ) ; the Geology Department at St Andrews should merge with Geography ; and that Glasgow should incorporate the departments at Dundee , Stirling and Strathclyde .
4 Anyone who has contact with the real world knows that sometimes the management might not have confidence in the work force and the work force might not have confidence in the management .
5 In this state the electron could not radiate energy in the form of electromagnetic waves because there would be no lower energy state for it to go to .
6 Morality could not take precedence in the determination of foreign policy because of structural differences between the setting for individual behaviour and the setting for international behaviour .
7 That it was against the law would not worry milady in the least .
8 On June 20 Russian Vice-President Aleksandr Rutskoi had said that Russia would not allow conflict in the " Dnestr Republic " ( and in South Ossetia in Georgia ) to be resolved by force .
9 The opt-outs mean that Denmark will not take part in economic and monetary union , common defence , common citizenship or joint policies on home affairs .
10 THE man accused of attempted murder of Coast to Coast walker Josephine Chandler will not give evidence in his defence .
11 Only if that background is established can we be assured that abuse will not take place in future either in Leicestershire or in other counties .
12 Cheryl Clarke cites from a leaflet distributed at a Black Liberation Movement meeting in 1981 : ‘ Revolutionary nationalists and genuine communists can not uphold homosexuality in the leadership of the Black Liberation Movement …
13 But Maher could not ride Craganour in the Derby as he had been claimed for Lord Rosebery 's Prue , and the favourite was partnered by the American jockey Johnny Reiff .
14 Amnesty International declared : " Governments can not brush rape in custody aside as a lesser abuse or isolated act .
15 The trader may not have expertise in accounting or buying
16 Although MPG6 repeats the advice in PPG7 that ‘ major development should not take place in [ National Parks or AONBs ] save in exceptional circumstances ’ , it is weakened by supplementary criteria 63(ii) and 63(v) .
17 Although MPG6 repeats the advice in PPG7 that ‘ major development should not take place in [ National Parks or AONBs ] save in exceptional circumstances ’ , it is weakened by supplementary criteria 63(ii) and 63(v) .
18 The hon. Gentleman must not beg policy in that way .
19 Therefore if a firm plays Cournot , it believes rival firms will not change output in response to a change in hence , the slope of the inverse demand function .
20 Any other and I put diabetes in there asthma is an illness which erm you may come across , it 's the clogging up , it 's something irri irritates the tubes , the windpipe and the bronchial tube and the person can not draw air in , well they can draw it in but they ca n't get it out and they 're , and they 're trying very hard and the noise , has anybody heard anybody with an asthma attack ?
21 The prison officers can not afford accommodation in both places — in fact , they can not afford accommodation in either — and they are contemplating leaving the prison service for what will probably be a life on the dole .
22 Oxford Regional Health Authority explained why it went back on the original decision saying , ’ We understood that the law said quite clearly the health authority could not provide treatment in private homes .
23 Such arguments would not hold sway in a University , let alone in an Oxbridge College , but economic pressures may force their librarians along a path beaten by professional colleagues in another part of the wood .
24 It is not good practice simply to leave the cable poking out of the wall , and many wall light fittings will not have space in their backing plate to make the connections .
25 If people can not heat water in winter , they will not wash .
26 It is based on the assumption that the sacred is better than the secular , that the Church is essentially European and only universal by implication , that celibacy is better than marriage , that belief can not go hand in hand with doubt , that the clerical state is more sublime than the lay , and hence that women are excluded from belonging at the level at which this belonging is most valued .
27 Whatever the reason , God 's terrifying holiness can not allow disobedience in those dedicated to his highest service .
28 It 's true I think er as Mr said at some length er that er this measure would not prevent hunting in in most of the area in which it it takes place , through plenty of it happens of course well to the West of the A six er perhaps it might even get out there from time to time but our duty clearly is to see er that the right thing is done in the territory which is our responsibility and our other responsibility is surely to set an example of decent humanity .
29 What if Cal 's mum would n't have Vern in the house — if Dad went and had that heart attack — if Vern started acting super-weird or stole the family silver …
30 It was stressed that Colonel Stirling would not take part in these raids owing to the information he possessed .
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