Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] have [been] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 The Queen 's Press Secretary , Charles Anson , has apologised to the Queen and the Duchess of York for a row after the announcement of the Yorks ' separation which suggested that the Duchess may have been unsuitable for Royal life .
2 A working week of over a hundred hours should have been ruinous for the libido , looking back .
3 Frank and Wallerstein 's versions of the international division of labour may have been accurate for some countries during some periods , but the re-formation of capitalism on a global scale in the latter part of the twentieth century has rendered it increasingly less so .
4 Fleischmann and Pons , who did not realise that they had measured their neutron signal incorrectly , thought that their cell was producing 10 000 neutrons per cm 3 of palladium each second ( in fact the totality of neutrons from cosmic rays , from the concrete in the laboratory , from radon and other gases seeping through the air vents may have been responsible for almost all of these and the fusion neutrons , if there were any , were far fewer ) , and so Jones ' data did n't appear very impressive .
5 ‘ With all the stuff that had gone on prior to the match and then the conditions we had to play in , the result could have been worse for Rangers but for our goalkeeper , ’ Gough admitted .
6 If the proposals which I put forward on behalf of the Conservative group had been adopted , £15,000 not £1,500 would have been available for practical environmental issues this year .
7 Its sudden arrival on the scene must have been embarrassing for those who have been trying to deny that federalism was on the agenda .
8 The trip home must have been hazardous for Mars alone had suffered 72 hits , leaving 29 of her complement dead and 85 wounded , and she now had three feet [ 0.9 m ] of water in her hold .
9 So I doubt if our hero would have been good for many heroics after swigging that .
10 But Northumbria Police now say a dum-dum bullet illegal ammunition which causes maximum injury by shattering inside the body may have been responsible for the injuries after a flat-headed bullet was found in a post mortem .
11 The Gulf War may have been responsible for the postponement of the finals of the Head/Isrotel/Tennis World tournament , which were due to be staged at the end of 1990 , for one year , but it certainly did n't dampen the enjoyment of the 12 regional winners who eventually took off for Eliat at the end of November 1991 .
12 A report today suggests that oil workers may have been responsible for the situation by bringing in an infectious agent such as a virus against which local children had no protection .
13 This is the last bond to be actively redeemed until 1957 when a minor flurry of interest in activating redemption might have been responsible for some bond buying-in activity , although the Club waited until 1983 for the total buying-in to take place .
14 Government agents were suspected , but it was also realised that a freelance group could have been responsible for the killings .
15 The friend lived at the end of the Piccadilly Line so Dennis had insisted on escorting Gillian to Covent Garden when Leicester Square would have been easier for her .
16 Gasoline would have been ideal for a sudden blaze ; the sealed nuclear drive was useless in that respect .
17 Last year , two of my hon. Friend 's constituents in such a house paid £676 in community charge , so this year 's council tax would have been cheaper for them —
18 Which of these fish would have been responsible for the disappearance of my six Neon Tetras ?
19 15 March 1986 : A Ford takeover of Austin Rover would have been good for Britain , according to a top Ford executive .
20 It is difficult to assess the effects of the first true humans in rain forests but it has been argued that the Australian aborigines may have been responsible for the removal of some of the Araucaria forest of tropical Queensland , leading to the advance of Eucalyptus there , as well as locally exterminating much of the megafauna .
21 Biologists believe the same benthic algae may have been responsible for animal deaths on Loch Lubnaig , near Callander , not far from my Stirling home , and at Loch Insh on Speyside in the past two years .
22 Roxburgh had said the occasion would have been worthwhile for Scotland if the friendly match yielded a genuine contender for a place in the fiercely competitive atmosphere of Lisbon 's Stadium of Light next month .
23 The effects of the full implementation of the changes would have been substantial for particular areas and many small businesses would have been badly affected .
24 Such a theory might have been tailor-made for the justification of the housebound mother .
25 If Stamford had been a vigorous industrial town like Nottingham or Leicester , the results of this feudal control would have been disastrous for the health and housing of the population .
26 If these seem relatively modest benefits , it is perhaps more useful to consider whether a more radical and comprehensive anti-monopoly policy would have been better for society .
27 Case records were retrieved and examined to established if these patients would have been suitable for transplant assessment , either on the basis of poor quality of life or expected survival , in the absence of transplantation , of less than one year .
28 Also both control and histamine treated tumours had a similar proportion of malignant cells , stroma , and vascularisation , suggesting direct proliferative effects on the xenograft may have been responsible for the increased size .
29 Life should have been good for Pamela Wray .
30 The army might have been different for here was one ‘ duty ’ I thought I would enjoy , or at least understand .
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