Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] [be] [vb pp] at the " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively , payment may be made at the time of enrolment by personal cheque or bank draft drawn on a UK bank ( see section on Banking below ) .
2 Alternatively , payment may be made at the time of enrolment in cash , or by personal cheque or bank draft drawn on a UK bank .
3 A very simple and beautiful example of the use of substitution notes may be found at the beginning of Wagner 's Tristan und Isolde : Here the commonplace cadence A minor-F7-E7 is given a subtle mystery through the use of a few substitution notes as follows : in bar 2 , G is a chromatic substitution for A ( on which it resolves ) , while B is a diatonic substitution for A or C , on which it does not resolve ; in bar 3 , A substitutes chromatically for B , on which it resolves .
4 The magnitude of the electric field may be represented at the same time by the density of field lines .
5 Like many issues which determine the course of history , the challenges of keeping pace in strategic competition , holding down grain imports , maintaining energy production and earning a hard currency income may be decided at the margin .
6 Further copies may be held at the local public library .
7 Honourary fellowships may be awarded at the discretion of the council .
8 If the search is successful a list of one or more study titles may be viewed at the end of the search .
9 Finally , the benefits to be achieved from clarity of roles and greater accountability which accompany the separation of purchasing from provision may be achieved at the cost of much higher transaction costs between what are now separate organisations .
10 It criticises the duplication of R&D between different government departments and argues that a new division should be created at the department for energy conservation .
11 We believe that your acquisition money should be frozen at the 1984 level . ’
12 The disadvantages are that although most auctions allow a viewing period before the bidding starts , you have only a limited amount of time to examine the rugs , and full payment must be made at the end of the auction .
13 The direction must be given at the time of the refusal .
14 On the other hand , a harder look should be taken at the range of prescribable products of doubtful value , such as , peripheral and central vasodilators , cough mixtures , baby creams , mild analgesics , and shampoos , and the value of others — for example , vaccination for foreign travel — should be reassessed .
15 If it is thought that it means that any decision should be taken at the lowest possible level , that unfortunately makes me believe that the concept is not all that it is cracked up to be , and for a number of reasons .
16 She must protect her markets , and thus any control lost at the national level must be reimposed at the European level .
17 Application for a grant should be made at the same time as the application for an audition in order that you can be sure of your position should you be fortunate enough to be offered a place .
18 — ‘ On this occasion the court ordered that the case should be heard at the end of August 1991 .
19 The violins may be doubled at the higher octave by a flute or two with very good effect .
20 Given our lack of knowledge of both how circuitry in the brain actually works and how visual perception may be mediated at the neural level , this state of affairs is scarcely surprising .
21 Advisers are here exposed to an example of social policy work where several potential clients may be assisted at the same time to help themselves .
22 Depending on the length of the course , colleges will concentrate on providing training and tuition for trainees to gain hotel and catering NVQs , but other , broader , subjects may be introduced at the discretion of the college .
23 Using this method candidates may be assessed at the interview on the following seven job requirements which have to be met by the person appointed in the job :
24 The oral papillae are slightly flattened and the distalmost papillae may be widened at the free end or in some specimens larger than the others almost opercular .
25 The appropriate regulation for our purposes is SI 1991 No 489 , regulation 3 of which outlines the circumstances where an action may be brought at the suit of a person other than a private investor .
26 In the case of registered land the following additional words should be included at the end of clause 9.1 :
27 The period over which the firm should have the right to draw down funds should be established at the outset and formally agreed with both the banker and the client .
28 Such cars should be supplied at the same basic price as charged for the dealer 's regular supplies .
29 A low vision aid must be held at the correct distance from the material to be viewed for maximum magnification to be effected , and it can be difficult to sustain this with a hand-held magnifier for any length of time .
30 The fact that the car must be returned at the end of the hire term means that the range of adaptation is limited to those that can be easily attached and removed , eg hand controls , wheelchair hoists , rotating seats , etc .
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