Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] [adv] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , the wording of the Convention is vague and decisions in individual cases may very largely depend on the preferences of the individual judges involved .
2 Without the incentive to employ workers for whom no national insurance contributions are payable , employers may more rationally decide on whether new job opportunities warrant full- or part-time status .
3 My eventual decision may very well depend upon your behaviour over the next few weeks .
4 Employers must therefore now decide for themselves the extent to which their staff need to be trained , having regard to the nature of the work involved .
5 DUTCH striker Marco van Basten may never fully recover from injury to play soccer again according to a doctor who operated on the star 's injured right ankle .
6 Since those vessels could no longer engage in fishing as from 1 April 1989 , the companies in question sought by means of an application for judicial review , brought on 16 December 1988 in the High Court of Justice , Queen 's Bench Division , to challenge the compatibility of Part II of the Act of 1988 with Community law , in particular with articles 7 , 52 , 58 and 221 of the E.E.C .
7 The same reasoning could equally well apply to weasels and badgers , who live in burrows , but the Hopi follow a quite different line of thought ; they hold that the meat of these animals is favourable to child-rearing because of their habit of working their way through the ground and ‘ getting out ’ at some other place when they are chased into a hole .
8 Because the employee could only therefore point to the licensing fee as a tangible form of benefit , he also argued that the employer 's use of the valve in the steel production process at its South Teesside plant generated other economic benefits .
9 Even if one remains within the traditional canon of the eighteenth century , it is hard to believe that a major critic could so easily dispense with Goldsmith , Crabbe , and Burns .
10 You get the impression that Roberts could quite happily slag off most of his fellow ufologists in this way .
11 The petitioning period expires , in the case of a November order on 22nd January and in the case of a March order on 23rd May , and the agent would normally then report to the client on petitions received , examine the petitions and advise on the action taken to settle them or to meet them in the inquiry .
12 Even private and personal information can evade the conscious controls or natural brakes , and an individual 's subconscious will transmit information that the conscious mind would otherwise never dream of releasing .
13 Therefore my clients would much rather deal with this at a strategic level than in individual district plans .
14 Balliol would undoubtedly soon learn of their presence , however heedfully they hid .
15 However , some rugs will almost certainly increase in value , and others stand a reasonable chance of at least keeping their value .
16 In a population mainly consisting of doves , the animals will nearly always play against doves , and ‘ hawk ’ will be favoured because its average pay-off is higher in these fights : W > W÷2 .
17 Improved thrombolytic therapy will most likely consist of potent specific plasminogen activators in combination with targeted anticoagulant and/or antiplatelet agents .
18 These bijou reference books will just about slip into a cardboard Easter egg and cost only £2.99 each .
19 The opposition can no longer live on a diet of anti-Thatcherism .
20 Excuse me for needing this spelt out , but does this mean that Leeds fans can now just pay at the door to stand at away games .
21 Remove the drug , and the normal signals can no longer get over the barrier that has been erected .
22 Brockway had specifically rejected any proposal to reaffiliate to the Labour Party at the end of 1934 : " The decisive objection to this " , he wrote , " is that a Socialist can now only function through the Labour Party by giving up his Socialism " .
23 Indiscriminate enthusiasm for dovetailing may also sometimes lead to the 1st horn being placed too high .
24 Staff groups may be for one school only , or , as in the example above , meet across feeder schools ( whose staffs may otherwise still work in splendid isolation from each other ) to great mutual benefit .
25 Given fluent processing of first language material , the articulatory loop may never consciously intrude into the interpreter 's performance .
26 The statutory requirement should no longer apply to the 250,000 or so companies that are below the VAT registration threshold of £36,600 , and those companies which meet the VAT cash accounting limit requirements ( £300,000 ) should be allowed to opt out of the audit provided there is unanimous agreement among the shareholders .
27 Ollie could just about manage on the violin .
28 The government decision that workers at G.C.H.O. could no longer belong to national trade unions which was reached without any such prior consultation was prima facie in breach of natural justice .
29 It was commonly held that the woman who worked outside the home could neither properly look after her child nor attend to her domestic duties .
30 The judgement led one observer to point out ruefully that there now existed a situation where two tribunals faced with similar circumstances could quite reasonably come to different conclusions , and that their rulings could not be overturned on appeal in the Interests of consistency ( IRS , 1985a ) .
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