Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] [verb] the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Institutions may retain the same appearance while transforming their character — a truism pertinent to both monarchy and parliament .
2 Because of the similarity of wording between s.69 and s.5 of the Civil Evidence Act 1968 , it would appear that the courts may hold the same view with regard to civil evidence .
3 There are of course some deliberately emphasized exceptions : destitution , like that depicted in Alton Locke and Mary Barton , precludes decency ; moral turpitude may have the same effect , as in the case of Mrs Brown in Dombey and Son — ‘ In an ugly and dark room , an old woman , ugly and dark too ’ .
4 Nevertheless , an inacurrate plan that prevails over the verbal description may have the same effect as a verbal misdescription .
5 The Children Act says local authorities should provide the same sort of care ‘ that it would be reasonable to expect a parent to give ’ , and the assessment and action records are designed to help authorities be effective parents .
6 Feminist linguistic researchers must observe the same caveat .
7 There is also provision for ABWOR to be provided at the request of a magistrates ' court or a county court by a solicitor within the precincts of the court for purposes other than the provision of ABWOR , where the court considers that the case should proceed the same day and that the client would not otherwise receive representation .
8 Two methods may have the same selection of structure , vocabulary and meaning , yet differ in the order in which they teach it .
9 It is hard to see what sense there is in , for example , assuming that individuals without a car ought to have the same utilisation of services wherever they live .
10 On our way home we tried to find a Mothers Day card for Mark to send to his Mum , but I think all the Dalseattie shops must have the same supplier and sell those ghastly pink-ish cards with really crass ditties inside ugh .
11 Note 2 to Rule 20.2 stipulates that , in the case of a management buy-out or similar transaction , competing offerors should receive the same information as that passed by the target company or the management to external funders of the buy-out .
12 Each entry must have the same format , as follows :
13 Each entry must have the same format , as follows :
14 It was not only wool that behaved in this manner , some synthetics could do the same thing .
15 Theoretically , bats could do the same thing , but dolphins seem more likely candidates because they are in general more social .
16 The other side will have the same information in English ( which is the most common foreign language used in Japanese business ) .
17 This chapter will follow the same pattern as Chapter 4 , but this time it will look at the views and experiences of students in English and communications .
18 But I find the whole performance so persuasive that this really does not bother me much , and I imagine other listeners will feel the same way .
19 After all , in many cases and , perhaps , in the case of Euramco transactions , a restitutionary remedy and a compensatory remedy will cover the same ground .
20 It 's strange that two quite different words can mean the same thing .
21 It 's strange that two quite different words can mean the same thing .
22 Repetition of words can create the same sort of chain as pronouns , and there are sometimes good reasons for preferring it .
23 A patriotic feeling or the witnessing of a noble or generous action can evoke the same emotion .
24 Why keep wasting 13 years when Labour can prove the same point in less than half the time .
25 However , it seems that the relation is not quite the same , for there is no comparable way in which a hearer can express the same wonder or wish by assenting to the sentence as uttered by the speaker .
26 Assume , purely for ease of calculation and exposition here , that the rival can achieve the same learning rate , that demand is not price-sensitive and that , if the rival enters the market , sales will be divided equally between the two rival companies .
27 Snacks can follow the same principle of low-fat , low-sugar eating as the main meals .
28 The problem is that although the typeface may have the same name — indeed it may even come from the same original — it may not have been coded up in the same way .
29 Before long West Germany 's Bundestag may confront the same problem : the federal elections late next year could give the Republicans enough votes to achieve representation — and not necessarily at the expense of Hans-Dietrich Genscher 's Free Democrats .
30 British electoral law should include the same provision .
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