Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] [verb] them [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Its practical object is to gain access to certain documents disclosed by the Police Complaints Authority ( ‘ P.C.A. ’ ) by order of this court for use in a criminal appeal , so that C.N.L. may use them in the libel action .
2 The draftsman should , nevertheless , be aware of some of the practical problems that arise in connection with the choice of tenancy to be granted and in appropriate cases should draw them to the attention of his client .
3 Home Office officials are keen to watch the progress of these schemes and in future could include them as a qualification for senior police posts .
4 This course of action would expose them to the prospect of mounting fines and eventual seizure of assets .
5 Mrs Castle , as it turned out , had opposed this allowance , again on the characteristically doctrinaire grounds that an allowance which made it necessary for the disabled to purchase motor cars would place them at the mercy of the commercial interests of motor manufacturers .
6 Once I tied a wasp to the striking-surface of each of the copper-coloured bells on the top , where the little hammer would hit them in the morning when the alarm went off .
7 The evidence is that communications from the judiciary to the Home Secretary on this topic are confidential ; and I accept that there is at least a tacit agreement that neither side will disclose them without the consent of the other .
8 Alright then , mummy will , mummy will put them on the table ?
9 Labour will punish them with a vengeance . ’
10 Victory for Old Kingstonians at home to Oxford Hawks , the Peroni South League champions ( 2pm ) , will take them into the Pizza Express while defeat will put them in the South League , which has absorbed the London League .
11 Our lucky couple will fly with USAir to Las Vegas where a limousine will take them to the sensational medieval-style Excalibur Hotel for their six-night stay .
12 Next year another cut will bring them to a mere £182m .
13 That fundamental divide will put them at a permanent disadvantage in endeavours to provide quality services to the citizen .
14 Should they break this code of conduct , their association can strike them from the register and ban them from practising medicine .
15 While special programmes for older viewers undoubtedly offer information and support , television companies may use them as an excuse for not including realistic portrayals of older people in their mainstream peak-time programmes .
16 ‘ The boy could warn them of the expedition as well as the girl , ’ the thin man objected , ‘ but nobody cares about the boy . ’
17 They would become subject to the same conditions of claiming benefit as men : for example , it would be a matter of discretionary decision on the part of the allocators of SB as to whether the existence of children or other dependants at home would relieve them of the need to register for work ( DHSS , 1978a , p.95 ) .
18 Show that forests have a tangible value kept as forests , for example for timber , and countries will manage them for a sustained cash yield .
19 Weather permitting , the big helicopters will place them between the flows and the town .
20 They are equally brought up to believe that marriage will provide them with a partner in whom to trust , who will love , protect and respect them .
21 Moreover , if they were , in themselves , to constitute measures relating to the conservation of fishery resources ( which , in the light of paragraph 11 of the judgment in Pesca Valentia Ltd. v. Minister for Fisheries and Forestry ( Case 223/86 ) [ 1988 ] E.C.R. 83 , 107 , is very doubtful in the case of requirements relating to the characteristics of the natural or legal persons who are the owners of the fishing vessels ) , they would fall ‘ fully and definitively ’ within the competence of the Community ( see the judgment in the Pesca Valentia case , at pp. 106–107 , para. 10 ) and hence the member states could adopt them on the basis of an express and clear delegation of powers .
22 Outside there is an attractive walled garden with mature sycamore trees , herbaceous borders and a lawn which is home to a wide variety of birds , who are encouraged to visit the dining room window , where guests may observe them with the aid of the proprietor 's binoculars and telescope !
23 But Ramsay might meet them on the way .
24 The family had put out the items including tea services and Georgian candlesticks so house guests could admire them over the New Years holiday .
25 Elaine used to deafen them on the side there !
26 Eight of the nine full-time stations would have them within a year , the exception being Bishop Auckland .
27 Members of the nursing profession , who once assumed that training for registration would equip them for a career in nursing now realise that this is no longer the case .
28 Some aircraft were prevented from appearing the ‘ pans ’ on the crowd-side of the airfields , because their turning circle would place them on the grass and at risk of bogging .
29 The Asians will not want to lose ground in the mixed doubles in the build-up to Atlanta and the Belfast match will provide them with an opportunity to test the best in Europe .
30 Perhaps one day an inspired current-affairs teacher will ask them about the long-term impact of the 1988 Education Act .
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