Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] [verb] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But there is a way through and in spite of how the sufferer may feel at the time , there will be a return to normality .
2 Politicians who pretend there is n't any recession should look at the fashion pages — hemlines are falling faster than the Dow Jones index .
3 I ’ Clubs must look at the players they are registering and decide if they are the type we want in the League , ’ he said .
4 If a motor vehicle is stationary when the accident occurs the driver must remain at the scene until he has satisfied the section .
5 ‘ Alas that a child of barely eleven summers must stand at the king 's elbow to remind him of his duty ! ’ lamented Elizabeth Woodville .
6 The polypary may occur at the end of a stalk , giving the coral the appearance of a toadstool , or alternatively , in encrusting forms , the polypary may rest directly on the substrate , attaching itself by rootlike processes as the coral grows .
7 Indeed , the results of recent research suggest that abnormalities of prostaglandin metabolism may lie at the heart of the majority of the chronic degenerative diseases — defects in particular enzymes giving rise to different aspects of chronic disease .
8 In others still , some factor in the development of relationships may lie at the root of paedophiliac tendency .
9 In spite of what the candidates may feel at the time , there is no stigma or criticism in being allocated a job flying something other than a fast jet : rescuing downed pilots in foul conditions or carrying out low level paratroop insertions in a Hercules are just as dangerous and demanding .
10 However , parties should consider at the outset the payment of their advisers ' fees in the event that the transaction aborts .
11 The interview should go at the pace of the adult and not the child .
12 At intervals an enemy horseman might appear at the edge of the village to gaze through a spyglass at the Dutch positions , but no attacks followed such reconnaissances , no skirmishers wormed their way through the fields , and no cannon crashed shell or roundshot at the fragile Dutch lines .
13 The department could look at the value of making use of the local environment as a resource for its teaching .
14 The concierge would listen at the door with a running commentary : ‘ The Italian 's had a drop ’ , or ‘ the Englishwoman seems to be winning ’ .
15 At 9am the small shop would open , Ann would serve at the counter , and Thomas would deliver loaves to their immediate neighbours on foot .
16 A group of 12 readers will look at the books of 1993 , and Madeleine Lindley , a children 's book specialist based in Oldham , has agreed to co-ordinate the pruning process .
17 Sammy Meredith will jump at the chance of three months ’ work .
18 The bottom fold will overlap at the corners so that the paper fits in snugly .
19 Of course the sceptics and the doubters will sneer at the influence on the affair exercised by Dicky saying that the former route was unsuitable and geographically unstable , and they will point out that such conditions have been overcome in other parts , for example , the West Highland , the Liverpool and Manchester and the Settle and Carlisle , but then those conversant with Dicky o' Tunstead will continue to believe that it is his malign influence which kept the rails away from Tunstead Farm .
20 The factories in Kington will close at the end of February .
21 More than 20 cars will contest the historic category and this year the old cars will run at the front of the field .
22 This chapter will look at the way in which science is viewed and experienced by those who teach and study it .
23 Faldo will stay at the top . ’
24 The study will look at the distribution of stocks , their migration and the fishery potential of various species as well as ways to catch them .
25 Firstly , the study will look at the effect of earning on decisions to stay on in education , at a time when more young people are postponing their entry into full-time work and when the financing of Higher Education is under discussion .
26 The march will begin at the Albion works in Scotstoun and go to Partick Burgh Halls , where the demonstrators will be addressed by Campbell Christie , general secretary of the Scottish Trades Union Congress .
27 Iago 's exploitation of trust enables him to make Othello kill Desdemona : all that Othello can say at the end is , ‘ Will you , I pray , demand that demi-devil/Why he hath thus ensnared my soul and body ? ’
28 The check is terminated whenever the bounding approach either proves that the specified condition can not occur , or establishes that the condition can Occur at the level of original definition .
29 A classical physicist can decide at the beginning of an experiment to call that electron over there A and this one over here B. Subsequently they may interact and go through all sorts of complicated convolutions , but because he can in principle follow the motion the classical physicist 's labels have an abiding significance .
30 If that money has to come out of the existing budget , then we should , or the Chief Constable , or the Police Committee ought to look at the priorities again .
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