Example sentences of "[noun] [modal v] [verb] in a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Issues of equal opportunity may arise in a number of contexts ; for example , those of gender , race , disability and religion .
2 Hunt suggests that conflict of this kind may act in a group of individuals to :
3 Since an average-sized woman would be eating 2,000–2,300 calories a day to maintain her normal weight , the reduction should result in a loss of about 2lb a week .
4 It should be emphasised at the outset that this is an assumption , not an empirically established or necessary truth : what theory dictates should happen in a state of perfect competition may not occur in real , imperfect markets .
5 He was appalled that such a story should appear in a newspaper , and the council , he said , would meet to determine what should be done about it .
6 For some events your clients may participate in a trade show or exhibition and simply ask that you take care of press relations during it and help look after important visitors .
7 An intention to displace the prima facie or primary meaning of the defined statutory term may appear in a number of ways .
8 It will be noted that failure to comply with a direction regarding structural alterations to a seamen 's canteen may result in a refusal to renew the licence It the next application , and not to a fine as under s.36 .
9 The US yesterday welcomed a proposal made by the presidents of Colombia , Peru and Bolivia that European nations should participate in a drugs summit with President Bush .
10 Rangers ' meeting with Marseille on 7 April in France will go a long way to deciding whether or not the Ibrox club should pencil in a Spring trip to Bavaria .
11 Rangers ' meeting with Marseille on 7 April in France will go a long way to deciding whether or not the Ibrox club should pencil in a Spring trip to Bavaria .
12 By definition the gene must promote the reproductive success of the selfish organisms at a cost to itself but a gene for altruism could evolve in a population of selfish individuals a population of altruists , in whom a gene for selfishness appears by random mutation .
13 With winch or car launches , it is essential to consider whether a cable break could result in a part of the cable falling on or near to a glider or anything else in mid-field .
14 Midfielder Willie Falconer could figure in a Boro first-team squad for the first time since September .
15 Under the plan outlined in the Journal , Prime would refloat under the name ComputerVision Corp , which would include the PrimeService third party maintenance business , and the vanishing minicomputer side would go in a management buyout .
16 Willie Learmouth the session clerk came by today for the Intimations and he 's an awful nice man , one of Nature 's Gentlemen , went to Allan Glen 's when that meant something , his wife 's got a plastic hip but you never hear him complain , anyway he sat down to a wee cup of tea and naturally he could not resist my all butter shortbread ‘ Nettie , ’ says he , ‘ your petticoat tails would melt in a man 's mouth . ’
17 However , whereas GEC/Siemens had originally proposed that their joint bid would result in a series of joint ventures between them , it became increasingly clear subsequently that the bid was , according to Sir John Clark , Plessey 's Chairman , ‘ no more or less than a simple old-fashioned attempt to carve up one of the leading British electronics companies ’ between GEC and Siemens ' .
18 The UN predicts that a reduction of 30 per cent in the commercial debts of the 15 most indebted developing nations would result in a 25-per-cent increase in their national incomes over the next five years .
19 This in effect would result in a net 6 per cent increase .
20 In the case of passenger transport undertakings such as railways and airlines which allow free travel to employees the test would provide mind-boggling difficulties of calculation and when the undertaking was running at a loss would result in a charge to tax that exceeded the fare charged to the general public ; this would also be the case where school fees were heavily subsidised by endowments .
21 ‘ No boat can live in a sea like that !
22 The recommendation following upon an assessment might result in a child with a hearing disability being placed in a local primary school rather than in a special unit for children who are deaf or partially hearing .
23 Any Big Boss may ride in a chariot pulled by either war boars or giant wolves as described in the War Machines section of the list .
24 A Warlord may ride in a chariot pulled by either war boars or giant wolves as described in the War Machines section of the list .
25 There is ample room in that account of the situation for the further stipulation that the judge should decide in a way that engages his own political or moral convictions as little as possible and gives as much deference as possible to institutions conventionally authorized to make law .
26 His hairstyle consultant must throw in a Tom Selleck moustache twirl for free .
27 But it must have been a temptation in poor working-class communities , where virginity in any case was not sacred , where the stigma against extra-marital sex was weak , and where a prostitute could earn in half an hour what a respectable girl might earn in a week .
28 But if RJB can start to make profits on these mines where British Coal could not , then this sceptical attitude could change in a trice .
29 Any further attempt to violate the principle of statehood by the new Northern-led leadership , it could be presumed , is unlikely to succeed — indeed , in certain circumstances could result in a reduction of support for their Northern campaigns .
30 Although the US Joint Chiefs of Staff in March 1946 seemed to regard the Far East as the most likely arena for a Soviet–American collision , they agreed that Soviet expansion from its borders westward or to the south could result in a conflict with Britain into which the United States might finally be drawn .
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