Example sentences of "[noun] [be] use in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Billing machines and the tabular ledger are used in the preparation of accounts and the work must always be up to the minute , as it should be possible to produce a guest 's bill immediately on request .
2 The top copy is sent to the client ; other copies are used in the reservation office , for the allocating of rooms , charting the reservation , compiling the arrivals and departures lists and alphabetical guest list and providing information for other departments .
3 Only marks gained on the Course are used in the calculation of honours .
4 If the results of assessment are used in the ways intended and if the evidence of research and HMI findings of good practice are heeded , these children should in fact benefit , because their problems with the English language will have been identified and appropriate action can be taken to help at an early stage .
5 Find out how the patterns are used in the Braille Alphabet .
6 The study reviews the extent to which computers are used in the industry and the institutional responses to the need for changes in technician training .
7 Intel needs to do some stroking among this class of customer even though Intel defenders claim the P5 schematics designers are using in the absence of silicon are so exact they should have little trouble getting up and running and out the door once the chips are delivered .
8 Some examples of these in English are : Learning problems occur when function words are used in the target language but not in your own language .
9 In section 265 , for example , terms such as ‘ domiciled , ’ ‘ personally present , ’ ‘ ordinarily resident , ’ have had attributed to them , both in the context of bankruptcy and in that of civil procedure generally , a wealth of refined construction which it is difficult to suppose Parliament did not intend equally to apply when those words were used in the Act of 1986 .
10 Three stolen cars were used in the raids .
11 Some examples of likely emergencies were used in the questioning and included dealing with a sick animal , returning stray stock , lambing a ewe , and administering first aid .
12 This effect is used in the construction of dynamos .
13 One particularly confusing term is used in the United Kingdom to describe one form of tax — the national insurance or social security contribution .
14 If a large amount of protein is used in the diet , then some is used for energy purposes , and during starvation , protein is taken from the muscles of the body and used as a fuel supply .
15 A measure of perceptual reasoning was used in the battery of measures given to the hearing signers in the study ( Kyle et al. 1981 ) .
16 Hoping we could keep off the subject of bees , I asked if any special gear was used in the production of her album .
17 The language of the local bonds of maintenance and manrent was used in the bonds that politicians , including Mary of Guise , made during the 1540s and 1550s ; indeed , if anything they were even loftier in their talk of mutual support .
18 The following cake tins are used in the recipes :
19 After leaving the sensation , visitors can spend their time touching and smelling the samples of hops , malt and barley stacked nearby , while a static display shows them how the ingredients are used in the brewing process , and a second display shows them the secret of the widget in the cans of Draught Guinness .
20 Carriers of this type are used in the building of the FIAT Strada/Ritmo cars and will be familiar to those who watch British television commercials .
21 However , none of the pigments is question are used in the manufacture of Rexel Derwent products , pastels included , and because of this it has not been necessary to issue warnings with Derwent products .
22 However , none of the pigments is question are used in the manufacture of Rexel Derwent products , pastels included , and because of this it has not been necessary to issue warnings with Derwent products .
23 Should such a test be used in the course of teaching , low scores would not enable the teacher to decide what tasks can reasonably be given to the pupils who obtain them nor to decide what experiences may be suitable to forward their development .
24 A well-constructed septic tank should need little maintenance apart from emptying once a year , but it is important that not too much disinfectant , bleach or detergent is used in the house — otherwise , the bacteriological action could be affected and the tank stop working .
25 They said : ‘ … we recommend that the dose of benoxaprofen be decreased ( approximately 50 per cent ) or the interval between doses extended ( 2.5 times ) … if benoxaprofen is used in the presence of significant renal disease ’ .
26 Simplesse is used in the US in both dairy-based and oil-based products .
27 Narrative dance is used in the conversations between the Miller , his Wife and their canary , and between the Wife and the Corregidor , which are based on flamenco music .
28 Over a quarter of the UK 's energy consumption is used in the home , for heating , lighting , and powered appliances .
29 The Mann-Whitney U test was used in the comparison of the sweat spot test scores between patients and controls , and Fisher 's exact test for the analysis of abnormal subareas .
30 He believed that the political commitment existed to ensure that the independent countries of the region would co-operate effectively to reduce their dependence on South Africa , and accelerate economic development ; and that such a new grouping could influence decisively the way that offical development assistance was used in the region , and the course of development co-operation in general .
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