Example sentences of "[noun] [be] go [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Plans are going ahead for the proposed course — arrival on the Friday 16th May — start 17th May and end 23rd May — departure Saturday 24th May .
2 The national press and media were travelling on the plane with Mrs Thatcher , but the local photographers and journalists were going directly to the airport ahead of time .
3 It should have been a warning to me when I noticed that none of the other foreigners was going anywhere near the wicker-basket toboggans , each with two dapper attendants .
4 If Maud and Enid thought she was mad and would n't help her , then no one would and the only course of action was to go ahead with the kidnapping plan .
5 The DEA 's on-going , controlled deliveries were going right past the end of my desk .
6 I do hope you and Per and the girls are well , and that work is going satisfactorily for the two of you and studies likewise for them .
7 With the collapse of the Maudling negotiations , Britain 's next act was to go ahead with the formation of a European Free Trade Association ( EFTA ) , along with Austria , Denmark , Norway , Portugal , Sweden and Switzerland .
8 Yet , at the end of a week of alternating euphoria and gloom , the sober verdict so far must be that the military side of this war is going well for the allies .
9 The war was going well for the galactic empire .
10 Even while the war was going badly for the English , they suffered fewer major military defeats , and fewer English nobles had to pay ransoms than received payments from their French equivalents .
11 ‘ If things were going smoothly between the two of you then I doubt you would be here now , but they 're not , are they ? ’
12 The very first week we ever tried it ( just after the sports hall had been built ) , the instruction was to go straight to the sports hall when the bell rang for the start of school .
13 At the same time I think some people are going well over the top in slagging off Wilko .
14 All those roaring blurs of hissing steam and belching smoke were gone now to the breaker 's yard .
15 In times past , I had tried to get across to the continent as much as possible , but now , while other people were going abroad for the first time because of all the cheap travel around , I was ( without intending to be anti-social ) doing exactly the opposite and taking a look around the British Isles .
16 Not only having gone to higher standards of were but also looking to account a motion which has already been passed by the Environment Committee on the fourteenth of September nineteen ninety three and what I was basically saying was that erm incinerator should come to That 's Life that the current E E C proposals on erm that that and I know that 's not a rule but in fact when Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution is actually considering this want to draw their attention to a motion which in some cases were saying that we would expect the highest possible standards if those developments were to go ahead with the .
17 The pipes were going well considering the damage inflicted on them during and after the landings .
18 It gets all its nutrition , all its oxygen etcetera etcetera through the placenta from its mother 's circulation and the mother has no problem whatsoever in her body functions , right , otherwise she would be a mongrel , so the food is going straight into the baby , it 's like being drip fed , there 's no problem .
19 Grand Met was going directly to the new format , but analysts were still working on the old style p&l accounts .
20 The local supermarket 's open on Sundays now , and Laura 's going there in the morning , she tells me . ’
21 In your letter dated Tue , 18 Jan 94 10:25:54 MET , you wrote : If I thought Wilko was going there with the intent to win I might feel a little happier , but with the form as it is I think we 'll wind up in one of those boring 1–0 or 2–0 defeats where nothing exciting happens in the game .
22 The second trial was going well for the Masons when it , too , was stopped after 11 weeks .
23 Cows are going home in the lane there , looping the hedges with their warm wreaths of breath —
24 I see that my father and mother are gone already beyond the brook .
25 The party is to go ahead at the end of August .
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