Example sentences of "[noun] [be] not [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 All the above examples of deaths , injuries , and economic losses caused by corporate acts are not the antics of one or two evil , or mentally disturbed , or relatively deprived senior employees .
2 These editorial policies are not the result of idiosyncratic requirements on the part of journal editors ; they are simply part of the disciplinary culture , which every aspiring academic has to pick up .
3 It has proved extremely difficult , too , to find significant changes in attitudes in many markets except over a rather long period — which does not disprove the theory , but suggests either that advertising does not work very fast , which no one wishes to admit , or that attitudes are not the whole of the story .
4 While shareholders are not the owners of the company 's assets as a matter of strict law , they are in substance the owners by virtue of being the contributors of the company 's capital .
5 But habituation and other such escape strategies are not the result of any active intellect .
6 A second answer is that long working hours are not a cause of housework dissatisfaction because they are an expected part of the housewife role .
7 However , communication links between the trainee and the trainer via a computer are not a substitute for the two-way conversation and observation which normally takes place in a class-room .
8 If it strikes you this way , let me remind you that Peter 's particular values are not the point at issue , and invite you to sit down quietly and compose your own , very different equivalent .
9 Legal rules are not the whole of the instructions — departmental policy guidelines , for example , play a large part — but legal rules are of considerable importance because they are binding and authoritative .
10 Experiments with animals are not a feature of homoeopathic research and many people feel that it is ethical to carry out such studies only if the animals are to benefit , as in veterinary medicine .
11 Sheep 's eyes are not the eyes of one particular sheep but a kind of glance or look ; a busman 's holiday is a holiday spent doing one 's normal paid work .
12 More exercises and more repetitions are not the answer to correcting poor arm development — it is better to do fewer exercises and repetitions and to take more rest .
13 But it is important to realize that these goals are not the manifestation of personal motives cast adrift from organizational moorings , neither are they disembodied acts committed in some metaphysical sense by corporations .
14 We do not communicate with isolated words ; words are not the bearers of messages ; they do not , of themselves , ‘ make sense ’ ; they can not , taken singly , be true or false , beautiful , appropriate , paradoxical or original .
15 Dissent and crime are not the prerogative of the male .
16 These pictures are not the work of children but of highly skilled craftsmen , and the thin silhouette with the triangular torso and angled , linear arms is carefully planned to dominate but not to stand apart from the overall pattern .
17 Domestic pets were not a part of Irish life ; animals were worked , not cosseted .
18 Unlike their children , Nicolae and Elena Ceauşescu were not the subject of much trivial gossip .
19 He reminded himself again that he was dealing with premeditated murder and the Glynns were not the sort to resort deliberately to force except in dire circumstances .
20 Did n't you say that those youths who got their friend drunk the other Saturday were not the kind of visitors you liked here ? ’
21 The wording of 72 ( contrasting ‘ states of consciousness ’ with ‘ dispositions ’ ) reminds one of what Gilbert Ryle says in The Concept of Mind , and the wording of 101 ( ‘ We can not separate his ‘ thinking ’ from his activity' ) of what he says in his contribution to The Human Agent but Ryle and Wittgenstein , it seems to me , agree only on the negative point , that thinking is not an accompaniment of speaking and acting .
22 Once you understand that your Visa card is not a passport into a woman 's knickers , a dinner date becomes a much scarier business .
23 Generally speaking , though , feedback is n't an affliction from which this guitar suffers .
24 Wolfson is not a member of the association and , with its current policy , would not be eligible for membership .
25 For instance , while brain cells do die and are not replaced , their loss is not an explanation for senility .
26 Pace Miss Baye , ‘ Savage Nights ’ declares that AIDS is not a subject like any other .
27 May I draw his attention to comments in the recent issue of ’ Community Care ’ by the hon. Member for Birmingham , Perry Barr ( Mr. Rooker ) The hon. Member for Perry Barr is not an apologist for the Government , but he said that the Labour party was committed to a mixed economy .
28 David 's not a man for leaving work behind him at the end of the day .
29 Working the 12 step Programme is not an end in itself but the method by which the sufferer is transformed from negativity to positively , from sickness to health and from a life of belligerence and blaming to a life that focuses upon creativity and an attitude of gratitude .
30 Course officials fear the seized batch is n't the end of the story .
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