Example sentences of "[noun] [be] the first [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Ambergate , Brighouse , Yeadon … the question is , will Bivouac be the first famous band to come from Derby , even though they do n't really come from Derby ?
2 JEANETTE CUNNINGHAM is the first black woman to be appointed to Bolton 's adoption and fostering panel .
3 Markham is the first offshore development lying across the UK/Netherlands median line .
4 The research is the first sustained investigation of the subject in this country .
5 Our study is the first large scale research study of the extent , nature and reliability of UK financial graphs .
6 Aimed at young families , small business users and aspiring professionals , the car is the first new model to emerge from Rover since the 800 series in 1986 .
7 Edward is the first royal star , ’ one newspaper wrote , ‘ and he is now the most famous man in the world .
8 But , but but ending feudalism is the first important stance .
9 The police force was the first public sector occupation to achieve widows ' pensions as such .
10 This demonstration was the first independent action on the part of a teachers ' association ; previously , they had been government controlled .
11 BBC 's ‘ That 's Life ’ consumer television programme was the first outside customer , followed by Barclaycard mainly for consumer issues and Newcastle College of Arts and Technology for employment and benefit issues .
12 Although the Criterion was the first English periodical to print the work of Cocteau , Valery and Proust , it seems always to have been Eliot 's fate to espouse causes just at the point when they are about to disappear or to disintegrate .
13 Queen were the first big band to really plunge into the South American market , back in 1981 , ’ explains Neil .
14 Rilly-la-Montagne is the first significant growth , in terms of quality and quantity , to be encountered on the D26 , as one winds one 's way eastwards from the N51 through the northern slopes of the Montagne de Reims .
15 And it is not insignificant that the quarterly of which he is the editor is the first British journal which has attempted to relate the British mind to the total European mind ; that has attempted a rational synthesis of the traditions of Roman culture ; that has , in a word , contemplated order .
16 The relevance is that Bagehot was the first political commentator .
17 My parents thought my marriage was the first sensible thing I 'd ever done .
18 Central News South was the first regional news programme in Britain to experiment with sub-titles for the deaf and hard of hearing last January .
19 Safeway was the first big store to sell organically farmed meat , and in June last year it introduced lamb to the range .
20 The Fourth Lateran Council was the first oecumenical council of the medieval period where the two orders , clerical and lay , were summoned , but they were there essentially to witness declarations of the faith , not to treat .
21 In 1924 Madame Neel was the first European woman to enter Lhasa , the capital city of Tibet , and she had to travel disguised as an ignorant and grimy old country woman .
22 The sale of Irises was the first important test of the art market 's resilience to Black Monday , the stock market crash of 19 October 1987 .
23 The 1902 eruption of Mt Pelee was the first recognized example of a Peleean eruption , a very different kind of phenomenon from the ‘ ordinary ’ Vesuvian or Plinian types , although Peleean eruptions often occur as short-lived side-shows to the latter .
24 Just off the presses at mid-price is the first massive delivery in a one hundred volume , 119 CD series celebrating ‘ Leonard Bernstein : The Royal Edition ’ .
25 This article is the first sustained work published on Leapor and some of its bibliographical observations are of great value .
26 The move is the first official admission of serious concern over adequacy of anti-fire measures in royal buildings .
27 Richmond was the first black man to find in sport a route out of the despair and misery which were integral parts of his enslavement .
28 Matilda was the first English princess since the seventh century whose year of birth is precisely known ; as for her youthful marriage , this appears to have been becoming commoner as marriage alliances were sought with ever more reckless haste by the great dynasts of the twelfth century .
29 I believe the Norwegian explorer Amundsen was the first successful explorer to transit the North West Passage with a 50 tonne fishing boat , taking three years and finally reaching the Pacific in 1906 .
30 But his rejuvenation of religious and , to a lesser extent , secular , texts and libraries was the first major effort at establishing a corpus of learning in the West on the part of a king since the collapse of the original Roman state .
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