Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [to-vb] to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For Behaviouralists , the path to knowledge was via the collection of observable data ; regularities within the data were to lead to the framing and testing of hypotheses , from which theories would be constructed .
2 The reader 's only remedy is to go to the exhibition .
3 A slow but dramatic way of allocating roles is to come to the children ( probably gathered in a circle ) and ask them who 's who in role : " I 'm a stranger here .
4 If the mix is to confirm to the J.I. formula , the loam should be sterilized .
5 If the intention is to justify to the source of funds the need for additional finance as circumstances arise , the contingency sum can be lower .
6 Relaunched on a regular basis , its intention is to bring to the public 's attention the fact that many who would otherwise have valid personal injury cl aims never proceed with them .
7 The only alternative is to turn to the chapter itself and skim the pages for a clearer insight .
8 The object of the defence statute is to delegate to the Executive what in peacetime would be the function of Parliament .
9 The DUP 's first reaction to the murder was to suggest to the OUP that a joint candidate , acceptable to both parties , be found .
10 At a humbler level , it gave him the service of Richard Barnby of Great Gonerby , whom Richard was to add to the Lincolnshire commission of array in winter 1484 .
11 At a humbler level , it gave him the service of Richard Barnby of Great Gonerby , whom Richard was to add to the Lincolnshire commission of array in winter 1484 .
12 The only possible savings would be from reductions in the number of teachers in the maintained schools , which would come about if parents were to stick to the survey preferences that they indicated for the independent sector .
13 The commissioners were to report to the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office , after which any recommended changes in the constitution would be voted upon in the Cayman Islands Legislative Assembly .
14 If Elves were to sail to the Isle today they would find the High Elf mages of old , caught like flies in amber , still chanting their ages-long spells to preserve the balance of the world .
15 It is untrue that the only way to improve spelling is to return to the principle of ‘ spelling as you speak ’ based on phonemics .
16 The second part of the plan was to turn to the Tories ' own strong issues for the last 10 days : defence , foreign policy , law and order and — hard though it is in a recession — the economy .
17 The plan was to fly to the Cook islands , and spend at least three months alone on a desert island .
18 In Figure 9.9 this would occur if the boundary between the solid and liquid phases were to move to the right as pressures get large .
19 Henniker and I were to be taken up to Mr. Ingard 's room , Spalding and Miss Robinson were to go to the offices allotted to us on the second floor .
20 If this kind of picture were to apply to the London Caribbean community , we should expect to find a pattern where Creole was used between members of the first generation and by them to their children .
21 This holistic approach in which the task of the teacher is to respond to the needs , aptitudes and abilities of each individual child in his/her care , drew much of its inspiration from the traditional practice of countless village schools .
22 Funded by the Londonderry Regeneration Initiative , the task of the project team is to listen to the views of individuals and communities and relay them back to the board .
23 Of course if her doctor has been guilty of serious neglect , you and your parent may decide that you should lodge a complaint with the local Community Health Council , whose job is to represent to the Area Health Authority the interests of the public in the district in which it operates .
24 Their main job is to report to the Secretary of State on the education provided in schools and colleges ( since 1983 , all formal HMI reports have been published ) , and to give professional advice to the DES .
25 The remedy of a chargee is to apply to the court for an order for sale or for the appointment of a receiver .
26 If her husband was very late home from work , if water began to drip through the ceiling or the gas bill was far larger than usual — Annette 's immediate reaction was to rush to the bread bin or the biscuit jar .
27 At the same time they would also wish to distance themselves from the connotations of full employment with which Friedman was to invest to the concept of the natural unemployment rate ( see next section ) .
28 His own aim was to return to the message of the Bible via the teaching of the Reformers , and on that basis he wished to outline a very different conception of the nature of Christian faith and life .
29 The Labour leader told an audience of business people , academics and professionals that his aim was to return to the situation of the 1960s , when fewer than one million were unemployed at any time and then mainly for short periods .
30 John Patten was to reply to the debate on education and there was to be a debate on defence .
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