Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [to-vb] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 BRITISH Rail are to develop an electric version of the 200 km/h high-speed train ( HST ) , which runs its Inter-City 125 services .
2 The main objects of this alignment are to achieve a short wheel base , and a fairly steep gradient .
3 Shareholders are to receive an interim dividend of 24p compared with 13.5p although the group will pay an unchanged total dividend of 30.5p .
4 If institutions like the EEC are to play an effective part in rural development — as is clearly desirable — they must have a highly flexible yet integrated approach to the diverse problems that exist .
5 Computer Associates International Inc president Charles Wang and Sun Microsystems Inc president Scott McNealy are to make a joint announcement today ( Monday ) , and were keeping tight-lipped as we went to press .
6 If Congress and the administration are to avoid a head-on clash , and a presidential veto , a compromise must be struck .
7 He said that the main objectives of the programme were to achieve an annual growth rate of 3-5 per cent ; to reduce the annual rate of inflation to 3.6 per cent per annum by 1995 and to reduce the country 's external debt .
8 These trips to the United States were to become a regular event , part of his routine as it were , and there was a sense in which he was returning home .
9 These doubts were to find a wider resonance in the twentieth century .
10 Their demands were to have a radical effect on British livestock on a national basis and a massive trade developed in which cattle were reared in the more remote northern and western regions , sent in droves to fatten on grass and turnips in the Midlands , Norfolk , Essex , Hertfordshire , Middlesex and Surrey , and thence to London 's slaughterhouses in due course .
11 The goals were to establish a New World Order which would prepare the way for the New World ‘ messiah ’ , the Lord Maitreya .
12 It would undoubtedly be of great benefit to future scholars working in this field if the College were to create a central repository of classified material on a sector of education of which it is , after all , a not insignificant part .
13 Now scientific education and research were to become a major feature of America 's drive to supplant Europe as the centre of western culture .
14 The remedy is to take a juicy example and pull it to bits yourself .
15 A quick remedy is to tie a light handkerchief to the end of the existing tail .
16 The remedy is to keep a clear head and remain in control .
17 The Walton Street Association is to throw a three-hour party , starting at 6pm , and Christmas shoppers should heed the early warning blizzard reports .
18 To summarize : the purpose of the experiment is to create a standardized situation for the researcher to study , in which all variables are under the control of the experimenter , and in which the results of manipulating variables can be studied and measured .
19 On other occasions the product to be launched is considered to be over the limit of what can be given away and one creative idea which has now been taken up by quite a number of manufacturers is to raffle a small number of the items or to organise an amusing competition which journalists attending the launch are invited to enter .
20 The usual method of taking the Bach Remedies is to put a few drops in a cup of springwater which is then sipped at intervals .
21 ‘ If geography is to play a full role in the study of environmental problems it is important that greater stress be given to the biosphere , which constitutes a vital resource base for man , and which has been altered more extensively by human activities than most other elements of the environment . ’
22 The result is to confer an equitable charge which the lender can enforce by selling the shares if he needs to realise his security .
23 When the enemy is shown as a non-person , non-existent , the result is to display a general scorn for human life .
24 THE INLAND Revenue is to appoint an independent adjudicator to examine complaints from clients .
25 The Dolphin Sunday Dance Club is to hold an old time and modern sequence dance tomorrow from 2.15pm until 4.30pm at the Dolphin Centre , Darlington .
26 The job of such a department is to obtain an endless number of facts , figures , services , reports , contacts and details .
27 Here the three criteria of ( *a ) explainability , ( *b ) comprehensiveness and ( *c ) positivity intertwine , as I indicate by means of the asterisks : The problem for the atheist is to provide a convincing account ( *a ) of religious experience , and with it of the entire ( *b ) religious history of mankind , which will do justice ( *c ) to its character and effects .
28 Hopes for a ‘ green lung ’ in the heart of the city are fading , particularly since the announcement that Mercedes Benz is to build a huge service centre on Potsdamer Platz , dashing hopes that it might be left as a park or rebuilt as the commercial hub of the city it was before the war .
29 The aim of the research is to conduct an economic analysis of the world diamond industry , and in particular the regulatory role of the sales monopoly , the Central Selling Organisation .
30 ( The aim of most fusion research is to devise a magnetic container shaped in such a way that the very hot ionised gas , known as a plasma , does not escape . )
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