Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [to-vb] [prep] the end " in BNC.

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1 As we shall see in a later chapter , much of the same reasoning was to recur towards the end of the 1980s in the search for ways of implementing punishment in the community .
2 The intention was to introduce by the end of 1993 a system , TAURUS , complementing TALISMAN , whereby , once a bargain in fully-paid listed securities was struck , the buyer would become , and the seller , in respect of the shares sold , would cease to be , a member and shareholder .
3 By the time morning came he was convinced he had been wide awake the whole night , though by that time he had remembered with the utmost clarity that the whole performance had taken place not in a television studio at all but in an enormous public lavatory , with Sir William and Lady Paice among the large crowd around the coffee table , and that his final humiliation was to discover at the end of the programme that he had been sitting on one of the lavatory seats throughout , with his trousers down around his ankles .
4 Work is to start at the end of the present season with the Wheatfield stand in place by August 1993 and the whole project completed for Spring 1994 .
5 The walks come as the International Whaling Committee is to meet at the end of this month when the whaling nations are expected to ask to have a ban on whaling lifted .
6 Its aim was to eliminate by the end of the century tariff barriers between the " Visegrad Three " ( which would consist of four countries after the split of Czechoslovakia ) and to ensure compatibility with European Community ( EC ) and European Economic Area ( EEA ) regulations .
7 The news comes three months after the announcement that Roche mill in Cornwall is to close by the end of June .
8 At one o'clock it 's the headlines this lunchtime it 's announced that Calverton Colliery 's to close before the end of the month .
9 LANGLEY manager Vic Hillier is to resign at the end of the season amid question marks over the club 's future .
10 Suppressing the Poles had taken less than a year , but the pacification of Muslims in the mountainous region between the Black Sea and the Caspian was to continue beyond the end of the reign .
11 This was stated yesterday by airport chairman Hugh O'Neill when he announced that work on the 108 bedroom , three-star hotel is to start before the end of the year , opening in the spring of 1993 .
12 In October 1979 , the company announced that a factory was to close by the end of September 1980 .
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