Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [vb pp] at the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 POWYS Fire Brigade is represented at the 50th anniversary celebrations of Fire Service Benevolent Fund in London today .
2 The ApT sites on either side of the central CG are cut less well than the other ApT sites , while cleavage is increased at the second ApT on the 3'-side .
3 The cutting edge of British art historical research was presented at the nineteenth annual Association of Art Historians ' Conference , held from 2 to 4 April at the Tate Gallery .
4 Self-stimulation decreased immediately after transfer except for HM , where the decrease was observed at the next datapoint .
5 We 've budgeted this year , er , for a maximum of six , but as Committee were informed at the last meeting , that number has exceeded during the year , erm , and that did create some financial difficulties , but that is the budget for specifically for six out-county placements , which not only do grown people in specialist er , accommodation such as secure accommodation , but also younger children with disabilities .
6 Picasso 's work was first seen in Germany in 1909 at the Thannhauser Gallery in Munich , and paintings by many of the other painters subsequently known as Cubists were shown at the second exhibition of the Neue Künstlervereinigung in Munich in 1910 .
7 Some steps against pluralism were taken at the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215 , but an altogether more far-reaching measure was promulgated at the Council of Lyons in 1274 .
8 The quality and quantity of pupils ' work was questioned at the fourth meeting .
9 After a further Expert Group had met , unusually for an Asian-African body , in The Hague with participation from the Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference , the Arab League and the Commonwealth Secretariat , a Model for Bilateral Agreement for the Service of Process and Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters was adopted at the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Committee in 1986 .
10 For the Irish squad to tour New Zealand will not be fit enough — the IRFU decision to send fitness advisor Eddie O'Sullivan with the team was made at the eleventh hour .
11 A planned trip by PLO chair Yassir Arafat to Syria in mid-October was cancelled at the last moment .
12 Attention was focused at the 12th annual summit of the Caribbean Community ( CARICOM ) , held in St Kitts on July 1-5 , on the urgency of achieving the economic integration of the region .
13 Some personnel changes were approved at the 13th plenum of the fifth central committee of the ruling Kampuchean People 's Revolutionary Party held in Phnom Penh on Aug. 8-11 .
14 These problems were discussed at the first meeting of the Montreal Protocol Parties in Helsinki in May 1989 .
15 The American audiences were kind of small at first and it was a major promotional coup to have survived it all because a lot of dates were pulled at the last minute — promoters could n't get any interest .
16 Where notification is given at the first stage , but not in accordance with the procedures laid down for the first stage , you shall not be disentitled to SSP for that day for that reason only .
17 This sense of his irreplaceability was reinforced at the last moment by the dramatic and threatening events of the Cuban Missile Crisis , which began just six days before the French voters went to the polls .
18 The Chairman 's vice chairman 's and treasurer 's posts , not filled at the A.G.M. were filled at the first meeting of the new session 1991 — 1992 as follows ; Dr. A. J. Watson chairman ; G. W. Davidson , vice chairman and Mrs. P. Fisher , treasurer .
19 The Chairman 's vice chairman 's and treasurer 's posts , not filled at the A.G.M. were filled at the first meeting of the new session 1991–1992 as follows ; Dr. A. J. Watson chairman ; G. W. Davidson , vice chairman and Mrs. P. Fisher , treasurer .
20 Hamnett and Rosen became so close so quickly that May 's magazine was scrapped at the last minute in favour of a version reworked by Rosen .
21 I think that it is an open secret that if the misfortune of a Labour Government being returned at the next election were to befall Britain there would be the mother and father of financial crises , which would lead to an increase in interest rates of at least 2 per cent .
22 Their argument can be illustrated by assuming that in an STV constituency election the sole Green candidate is eliminated at the first count .
23 The weight percentage retained on the coarsest sieve is plotted at the appropriate grain diameter , the sum of weight percentages retained in the two coarsest sieves is plotted at the next finer mesh , the cumulative contents of the first three sieves at the next finer mesh and so on until the entire sediment has been accounted for at 100% .
24 That 's bad enough by itself , but this particular man was murdered at the second attempt right under the noses of the police .
25 I think what we will do , erm certainly a lot of concern was expressed at the last meeting that this er forum should should die er but I do n't think it will I think it is very simple , to set aside one meeting a year , devote it to cycles and invite the same people who have coming from the party .
26 A model for achieving a smoke free generation in Europe was proposed at the first European conference on tobacco in 1988 and was supported by the World Health Organisation and British Medical Association .
27 Most of the patients were referred for investigation to the Department of Gastroenterology of Kyoto Second Red Cross Hospital , and the remainder were seen at the Third Department of Internal Medicine , Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine .
28 The dangers of hepatitis B infection were discussed at the First International Congress on Occupational Health for Healthcare Workers , which was held in Freiburg , Germany in September.The Congress was organised by the International Commission on Occupational Health ( ICOH ) and the Freiburg Institute for Occupational and Social Medicine ( FFAS ) .
29 In the autumn of 1852 he photographed in Russia , and the results were shown at the first exhibition of photography at the Society of Arts , when he gave the address .
30 It had a very ill-fated start in that some of the original ideas of establishing it as an independent agency with a trading fund were thwarted at the last moment .
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