Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [adv] [verb] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Leeders are now drawing up a petition which will be presented to the Bishop of Chelmsford next month .
2 Whether you 're looking for bowls of bulbs to brighten the home or the best miniatures for a rock garden , now 's the time to start work and Daphne Ledward and Anne Swithinbank are here to pass on a host of colourful ideas .
3 Scientists at Liverpool University are now drawing up a breeding programme for the UK herd .
4 What plans are there to tighten up the foster service vetting which , in this case , allowed a known homosexual to adopt a child ?
5 Second , the scope of what New Historicism involves is continuously changing , and the conflicts between contending views are often localised over a few issues .
6 His eyes are already lining up the entry point as he begins to ease off the front brake and apply handlebar and footrest pressure to steer the bike .
7 And after seeing second half goals from Anders Limpar and Ian Wright end his side 's Premier League duck , Graham said : ‘ When Arsenal are n't doing well the media seems to revel in it .
8 Chester City Council and Chester College are currently carrying out an extensive survey to identify skills of Blacon residents .
9 At present , the acquisition , development , and dissemination of computer methods and the creation of useful machine-readable data are not given anywhere the same credit or standing as traditional forms of research and publication despite the fact that the latter have no greater claim on scholarship and far less a claim on relevance .
10 This hatred and distrust was fuelled when Arthur Kitson of Kitson Empire Lighting Company in Stamford introduced him to the famous anti-Semitic forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion , which claimed that the Jews were about to take over the world ( an example of modern mythologising for political purposes ) .
11 Loose canvas seat covers were also carried on the upper decks .
12 Your best chance for successful badger-watching is carefully to stake out a sett before dusk .
13 The question as to what preparation these teachers receive in order to perform their roles is consequently posed all the more sharply .
14 If all the amendments are lost , one by one , a vote is then taken on the original motion just as if there had been no amendments moved at all .
15 If I also say to him that the lesson we learn from the United States is not to go down the route that he and his party have signed up to in signing up to a socialist manifesto for the European elections .
16 Frozen , she shot her head round towards the noise , her eyes widening as she saw Travis 's still figure not a dozen yards away .
17 The major objective of the study is therefore to investigate empirically the strategic behaviour of such firms .
18 Panorama says a Commons defence committee report on the progress of Trident , leaked to the programme , warns that if the new Aldermaston complex is not finished soon the warhead project will be affected .
19 If it is known that a group of books is little used then the borrowing record of items from that group is a nil predictor of future use … unfortunately the satisfying ritual of checking date labels gives the illusion that all is well and seems to be scientifically ennobled .
20 The partnership was successfully liquidated over a period of years and it was left to John Baring to rebuild the business in the form of a limited company .
21 He would have ducked inside — he was in his working clothes with not even a stud to his shirt — ; but Meredith was already calling out a greeting and advancing towards him .
22 And beside him , an elderly priest in a black soutane was also holding up a thumb and laughing as though he were taking part in a particularly outrageous joke .
23 He claimed that his intention was not to bring down the government but merely to remind his brother of his election pledge to root out official corruption .
24 A vote was then taken on the resolution with 's addition and as amended by QC with the following result : in favour 29 ; against 50 .
25 Another vote was then taken on the resolution , with 's addition , but otherwise retaining the original wording ie. not as amended by QC with the following result : in favour 65 ; against 17 .
26 One train , the 15.4 hrs from Quainton and the 16.15 hrs from Aylesbury on Sunday was cancelled on Sunday for several reasons while the gauging run for King Edward was only carried out an hour prior to departure from Aylesbury of the first ACE .
27 The US factories had evolved into organisations that set out tightly circumscribed jobs , fixed procedures , absolutely nothing in terms of flexible working , multi-skilling , employee responsiveness — any of those sorts of things — and they took a look at Japanese cost patterns and thought that American industry was just going down the plug . ’
28 In this he was mistaken , since state control over industry was considerably reduced once the war was over , even if it did not wholly return to pre-war conditions .
29 Regulators are busily clearing up the mess .
30 Steamers were only used once a fortnight , if there was weather .
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