Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [verb] at that time " in BNC.

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1 The backs of my legs were trembling at that time , but this was probably as much due to the cold as to the feeling of betrayal that had invaded my being .
2 The NKLP had been formed in August 1946 with the unification of the Korean Communist Party and the Yenan Independence Alliance ; numerous small left-wing parties were absorbed at that time or subsequently .
3 A great deal of work was done at that time in enlarging and landscaping the park , creating lakes and the kitchen gardens .
4 The Market Hall was demolished at that time , exposing the flank wall of No. 114 , on which was sign-written the times of cars to Mitcham and Sutton .
5 November 1697 , will always be associated with Chiswick , although he was constantly referred to , in his day , as ‘ Mr. Hogarth of Leicester Fields ’ — the name by which Leicester Square was known at that time — as that was his business centre and where he worked before he married .
6 These differences are an indication of the unique way in which each individual is responding to the circumstances in which he finds himself and of the state of that person as a whole , that is they show how his healing powers are operating at that time .
7 or whatever , just let them know roughly what you 're doing , cos , all they get is a tape , it gives them an idea of what sort of things were happening at that time , any words they ca n't pick up if she 's cooking , maybe that 's something she was making or whatever , erm , in the please write the first names and details , why you know them , of all the people speaking on this side of the tape , in order in which they speak on the tape in the first , first instance , right , you know , so now Carla , my husband , myself , Lee and , you do n't need to repeat them again after that
8 On relating the story to Mr Bailey , the man asked whether a train service was running at that time of night .
9 The illuminated manuscripts known as Books of Hours , produced in the Lowlands during the fifteenth century , particularly those containing the Office of the Dead , not only show how corpses were dressed at that time but also indicate how the limbs were positioned .
10 In 1985 , for example , of total federal revenue of 686 billion dinars , 110 billion dinars was derived from customs duties , 264 billion dinars from basic sales tax ( of which the federal government was entitled at that time to one-half ) , and 251 billion dinars from transfers from the republics and provinces .
11 It was considered that rough copper was costing at that time £3 : 15s : 0d to produce but would sell for only £2 : 16s : 0d at the most .
12 In spite of what Mr Kawawa said about the inevitability of capitalists ' misusing their press in a country like Tanzania , no plans were made at that time to take over the Standard .
13 However , these proposals were rejected at that time .
14 The contract was concluded at that time .
15 Alfort was described at that time as four miles from Paris , and Sewell spent a whole day at the veterinary school .
16 He remembers the Very High Frequency ( VHF ) radio was far superior to the kit the RAF was using at that time .
17 The Mid Hampshire coroner , Grahame Short , said : ‘ It seems that Sarah was contemplating at that time taking her life .
18 Mr McCallum continued that the decisions made by the Social Work Department were made on the basis of confidential information , and should that department reply to the Action Committee , he said , they might divulge information which should nut be revealed at that time .
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