Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [verb] have [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Other electrical frequencies are known to have specific effects on the body .
2 Finally , the attitudes of some women illustrated the ‘ queuing principle ’ ( Martin and Wallace , 1984 ) , namely , that in times of high unemployment , certain social groups are felt to have greater claims to paid employment .
3 This he might find in the service of a bishop ; for many bishops in the late eleventh and twelfth centuries were coming to have large staffs of young clerks , who learned the business of ecclesiastical administration and rose to be canons or archdeacons , or were seconded or translated to the royal service .
4 ISC is understood to have small contracts in each of these territories but further ‘ phantom ’ contracts are believed to have been invented to make the company seem more successful than it was .
5 The research is expected to have major implications for application of Decision Analysis , a widely used management decision aid .
6 Miss Gregory was reported to have 150 grammes of heroin , carried internally in three condoms .
7 Blacks are thought to have natural advantages and , if they do not capitalize on them , they are seen as lazy and lacking in conviction .
8 The three other countries were said to have better systems of information — information used by communities , by employers and by individuals .
9 The effects were believed to have enduring consequences on the child 's thought processes and predispose to ( rather than precipitate ) schizophrenia .
10 In addition , a total of 19 ( 29% ) patients treated with NSAID were found to have peptic ulcers , compared with seven ( 11% ) patients who were not taking NSAID .
11 In this sense they also help to pin-point gaps in experience or competence , when a child is considered to have some areas of developmental concern …
12 The common law was perceived to have certain defects and there was pressure from the EEC to harmonise consumer safety law across the Community .
13 To assist with these tasks each policy and resources committee was recommended to have four sub-committees : finance , land , personnel , and performance review .
14 In this situation , where all participants are presumed to have similar viewpoints , prejudice is still not freed from its ambivalent expression .
15 In the simple framework described at the end of this section , individuals are assumed to have fixed endowments of capital and earning capacity , and the wage and rate of return are assumed exogenously determined .
16 As stated earlier , certain plants were said to have supernatural powers , often revealing an interesting combination of Christian and pagan beliefs in the one element .
17 Since weak left handers were observed to have sinistral relatives more frequently than strong left handers , Hécaen and Sauguet inferred that " the intensity of left handedness is not directly related to bilaterality of language representation or to familial left handedness .
18 One specimen was found to have 5,000 times the expected concentration of plutonium in its flesh .
19 Eight of the sample are known to have married soldiers from overseas — almost all from Canada — and eventually emigrated .
20 The Greek Defence Ministry and their Secret Service are bound to have some cryptologists on their staffs .
21 A phantom is bound to have longer legs , a sexier smile and better bedroom manners than a real person .
22 ‘ As far as I can see , ’ he said , blinking magisterially , ‘ this decision by the European Court is going to have far-reaching consequences .
23 The new National Assembly had 107 members ; under the original plan the Assembly was to have had 108 members , but one deputy died during the appointments process and his seat remained vacant .
24 She was going to have her husband was in khaki as a territorial and her and her bridesmaid was going to have khaki frocks to be some of them great velvet frocks .
25 Probably the most important factor affecting family formation is that people are choosing to have fewer children , although 9 out of 10 first marriages do have children .
26 The problem with doom-laden statistical predictions like these is that they draw attention away from the reasons why so many perfectly sensible people are choosing to have large families .
27 The length of this period has been declining , partly because people are choosing to have smaller families .
28 If a market economy is introduced , an awful lot of people are going to have serious problems of adjustment .
29 People with sickle cell anaemia and thalassaemia are known to have red cells with defects in their outer membranes .
30 Kaolin , or ‘ china clay ’ , is formed by the decomposition of granite , and Cornwall and Dartmoor were found to have huge deposits which were soon exploited on a large scale .
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