Example sentences of "[noun] [be] [verb] [art] good [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Frankly I do n't believe that households in which one parent spends all his waking moments either out of the house or refitting the patio doors or under the bonnet of a car are doing a better job than I am , where the kids are concerned , but I have n't got any statistics to prove it .
2 And Oxford fans will be taking heart that the side 's enjoying a good run at the moment and may yet avoid relegation .
3 The objective of the research is to gain a better insight into the labour market processes and labour market and social policy measures which are contributing to the ‘ marginalization and exclusion of older workers ’ and , as appropriate , to make recommendations which will enable social costs to be minimized and social benefits to be maximized .
4 The principal aim of this exploratory research is to gain a better understanding of franchising and the franchising decision .
5 The ratio of brain weight to spinal cord weight is considered a better measurement of complexity and intelligence .
6 The aim of this study is to secure a better understanding of the association between major social , economic and demographic trends and the pattern of children in care .
7 Nobody inside or outside the administration is making a good job of selling the tax .
8 Radiotherapy was considered the best option for treatment but before this could be started , rapidly progressive dysponea developed .
9 He returned to Los Angeles and then caught a plane to Europe where he had been invited to show the finished article at the Venice Film Festival at which The Last Movie was voted the best picture on exhibition .
10 The United States was receiving a good return on its investment .
11 As it happened , Toby was to get a good conspectus that day of the foothills of Burleigh teaching .
12 One of the singers from the theatre had stood in the doorway declaring to the crowd who had gathered to watch that the Grenfell and Morgan boot and shoe emporium was providing the best leather goods in town .
13 Shaukat Khaliq is to receive the Best Candidate Award for achieving the top mark in the National Leading Firefighters written examination .
14 The female cuckoo can mimic only one type of egg and must try to lay in a nest of this species if her offspring is to have a good chance of survival .
15 Portraits also play a major part in Clamey 's work , ‘ I 'm probably very old fashioned but I believe still that the principal aim or a portrait is to achieve a good likeness of your sitter , but you also have to create a picture . ’
16 ‘ He comes from what in England is called a good family .
17 Therefore , if this backward boy was to get a good education , he must somehow be crammed up or taught up to scrape a scholarship at one of the big independent schools where most of the fees would be paid for scholars .
18 The auctioneers are expecting a good turn out tommorrow .
19 Country star Billy Ray Cyrus is having a good ol' stay in the big city .
20 But he stresses that EUP is a Scottish publisher , not simply a publisher of books on Scotland : its aim is to publish the best scholarship internationally , wherever it may come from .
21 Renault explain : ‘ Our aim is to have the best car in this class from a generalist manufacturer . ’
22 Their aim is to make the best use of the money available to improve health in your area .
23 The aim is to gain a better understanding of the unemployment flows , their relationship to turnover , and the implications for movements in unemployment .
24 My understanding of the ultimate grunge rhythm sound was to remove a good amount of mid-range , while boosting the low and high ends …
25 In Ipswich , the Amberstone Bookshop was having a better time of it after a steady year , supported by some strong local titles .
26 When the use of the vernacular was introduced a good deal of new music was demanded .
27 In fact , as late as the 1940s a shilling a day for a young caddie was considered a good wage .
28 My aim was to secure a good head of each species and , in consequence , except when I shot for meat , I shot selectively and seldom .
29 Fact is , carp on many waters are enjoying the good life to the extent where they are developing ‘ boilie-belly ’ .
30 Routine checks of ward rosters should be made to assess that ward managers are producing the best match between patient needs and staff off duty entitlements .
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