Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] at the [num ord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Data from children whose ears contained fluid at the final assessment or at the last assessment before they were lost to follow up were excluded .
2 However , one has to bear in mind that at the last meeting of the West Essex Health Authority erm they are saying that they ca n't carry on treating the same amount of people erm , because they 're overspend already this year and that they will not treat these er , extra contractual referrals without prior funding being approved and that was co , that was actually stated at the meeting last week .
3 There is a story that at the 50th anniversary celebrations of the award of Gauss ' doctorate , Gauss was about to light his pipe with a page from the original Disquisitiones .
4 Congress , I think it 's only right to draw to your attention that in item five B USDAW that at the last USDAW Conference there was a motion passed saying that there should be recognition for the independent trade union within USDAW which is ourselves , G M B Apex .
5 Such was my astonishment that I stopped kicking the offending mouse and at the first opportunity went to look at the hedgerow .
6 This opened up a four-shot lead but at the 5th Greg hit a bad second shot and chipped up , missed the putt and dropped back to three ahead .
7 The truth was that I did n't know how to effect such an aim , and if I found myself eating any more than the minimum — that is , enough for me to remain undetected by the authorities-I considered myself guilty of backsliding , and had to punish myself by eating even less the next day or at the next meal .
8 The DTI — the Department of Trade and Industry — started to check up on one or two deals and at the first whiff of them he was away on his toes .
9 With sudden inspiration and at the last moment , I stripped the big bed of its blanket and pillows and stuffed them on top of the suitcases .
10 Around the World in 80 Days ( BBC-1 ) started by pulling eight million viewers and at the last count two weeks ago had more than 11 million .
11 It would obviously be the worst of craftsmanship to score the first four bars as they stand for the violins and viola and at the fifth bar to weaken one of the parts by division .
12 The French government had argued in favour of " balanced trade " between the two blocs but at the last minute accepted this wording .
13 It was first observed early in the century that there is usually only about 10% as much energy ( in the form of animal matter ) at one level of the food chain as at the next level down ; at any one place , about 10% as much energy will be contained in the carnivores as in the herbivores .
14 In 1883 the Kilarrow Free Church congregation formed a Total Abstinence Society and at the first meeting in January 35 people signed the pledge .
15 In 1883 the Kilarrow Free Church congregation formed a Total Abstinence Society and at the first meeting in January 35 people signed the pledge .
16 Distribution of labelled cells within crypts was similar with respect to the two methods with a peak at the 18th and the 24th percentile in the case of BrdU and at the 23rd percentile for PCNA .
17 Despite a resident magpie — this year 's nest building has already begun — birds visiting the garden daily include blue tit , great tit , long-tailed tit and coal tit , siskin , greenfinch , sparrows , blackbirds , thrushes , robins and at the last count 11 chaffinches .
18 There is a better copy round the corner or at the next sale .
19 Then , with flint and steel , he struck a spark and at the fifth attempt carried it to a withered leaf , which delicately he breathed into flame .
20 The survey showed that breeding had been so successful that there were now three times as many swans than at the last census , taken in 1983 .
21 It would have struck him in the face if at the last moment , sensing it coming , he had not ducked his head .
22 How can I forget all 4′ 11″ of him who would run across the office and at the last moment hop , skip and jump and land astride his stool .
23 There were a number of girls in the party and at the last minute the female teacher who was to chaperone them dropped out .
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