Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] at the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Details were wanted on the number of Englishmen employed " in the Mynes or at the said worke , either for getting Oare or about roasting & melting furnace or hamers , & whether there be any skilful to manage those works if the now farmers should dye . "
2 This new housing brought inevitable changes to the life of the village , and many of those who live here now work in the city of Hull or at the nearby installations at Saltend and Easington .
3 It is clear , however , that political historians can not afford to confine their attention to the goings-on at Westminster or St James 's , and that the history of party under the later Stuarts is as much about the divisions that emerged in society at large as it is about what happened in Parliament or at the royal Court .
4 It is nevertheless beginning to demonstrate a willingness to fight its corner should things get tough either after the election or at the periodic review of price limits in three years time .
5 Guests often spend as much time here as in the well-appointed lounges or at the friendly bar , before dining in the attractive restaurant which offers a choice of menu .
6 When you need to speak to your stringer — at your club or at the local shop — tell them what kind of player you are ( a baseline slugger or a serve and volleyer ) and if you want more power or more accuracy from the racket .
7 As a result there was no informed discussion within the department or at the Social Services Committee about resource issues and the status of the recommendations remained vague .
8 If the magnetic field happens to be larger at one side than at the other side , then the beam will be deflected towards the weaker field which makes the field even weaker , etc. , leading to the so-called kink instability ( Fig. 3.3(b) ) .
9 Secondly , he is a member of the Irish Bank Officials ' Association and at the Special Delegate Conference , in the Mansion House , Dublin on 13th March , a Resolution was passed calling on all members to support Frank Holden in his quest for justice .
10 Researchers at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in the United States and at the Medical Research Council Unit for Applied Psychology in Cambridge simultaneously identified the tasks sensitive to the effects of even one night 's loss of sleep as those which were not self-timed , which went on for at least ten minutes and which were not intrinsically motivating .
11 We 've got a number of motions on the agenda asking for the C E C to look carefully at the cost of training at the National College and at the regional education courses .
12 The content of the Coleman course is shown by near-verbatim notes taken at different times by students , and preserved in the College and at the Royal College .
13 As you will be aware from previous correspondence , the third series of level two coach education courses are being staged presently at the Scottish School of PE , Jordanhill College and at the Scottish Centre for Physical Education , Movement and Leisure Studies at Moray House College .
14 He stared at the low wooden fence and the pure sward of snow yellowed by the lights , and at the low wire fence and at the high wire fence and at the high wooden fence .
15 His words were taken up by many who would not have dreamed of opening any of his more technical works , and he came to be in great demand as a speaker at rallies and at the numerous conferences and seminars on the death of images organized by the Universities , the Churches and the innumerable Humanist organizations which had mushroomed in the immediately preceding decades .
16 Looking back on it he was amazed both at his boldness and at the seeming inevitability and naturalness of that first encounter .
17 A properly radical perspective would look instead at fundamentals — at the shape of schools as organisations , at the relationships between managerial and professional aspects of work in schools and at the whole question of the location of management as a set of tasks and processes ; at who does what , where and when in the management process .
18 Thatched cottages cluster round the harbour while at the other end of the wide sandy beach Somerwest World offers a complete range of entertainment to holidaymakers and day visitors .
19 Near the window was a small pair of scales with polished brass weights whilst at the other end of the counter was a larger pair with iron weights used for the vegetables which were kept in the left hand corner of the shop .
20 The end of the dock when at the upper part of its inclined railway makes a practically water-tight joint with the standing work at the extremity of what may be termed the head bay or pond of which the dock then forms a continuation , there being also a gate or gates at the end of the bay to retain the water when the dock is absent .
21 It was possible to see the same sort of divide as at the commercial end : every second house had been restored and repainted , with extensions sprouting in the gaps between them .
22 Hope nodded his appreciation as at the perfect execution of an ambitious manoeuvre : it was indeed a favoured spot .
23 On the other hand , in countries where fetal deaths for the maternal age group under 15 are not reported separately but are included in the under 20 age group , the relationship takes a " J " shape , since the chances for giving birth a viable child are poorer at the oldest childbearing ages than at the late teens .
24 Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. has set out the medical evidence available to us and , in my view , on that evidence it would not have surprised me if there had been a finding that at the relevant time on 5 July , suffering as she was from considerable and continuing pain in her chest , coughing up sputum , on various drugs designed to alleviate pain and to act as sedatives and during the evening suffering contractions in the first stage of labour , she was not in any event fit to make a decision .
25 Computers , especially microcomputers and terminals with monitors , have been claimed to be harmful to the health of the operator because of radioactive emissions although at the present time there does not appear to be any conclusive proof that a real danger to health exists .
26 Write-offs also rose faster at the regionals than at the money-centre banks .
27 Greater peace could be found on a boating pond in Regent 's Park than at the populated end of poor Loch Morar in summer , with speed boats raping its once enigmatic waters and queues of cars waiting for senior citizens in their caravans to unblock the single track road where they have parked in a passing place to brew up a cuppa .
28 It is thus clear on the basis of all these authorities that at the present time universities can create a jurisdiction for the visitor which excludes the concurrent and appellate jurisdiction of the courts .
29 While the delay to the start of the flying programme has been much longer than anyone would wish , much more progress has been made in the ground and rig testing than at the comparable stage of any previous project I have been associated with and we are very satisfied indeed with the results that have been obtained so far .
30 In 1975 Dr ( later Lord ) William Marshall , the country 's leading champion of nuclear power , lamented before a House of Lords ' committee that at the current rate of progress there might be only two fast reactors on line by 2000 .
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