Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] at [art] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This new housing brought inevitable changes to the life of the village , and many of those who live here now work in the city of Hull or at the nearby installations at Saltend and Easington .
2 As a result there was no informed discussion within the department or at the Social Services Committee about resource issues and the status of the recommendations remained vague .
3 His words were taken up by many who would not have dreamed of opening any of his more technical works , and he came to be in great demand as a speaker at rallies and at the numerous conferences and seminars on the death of images organized by the Universities , the Churches and the innumerable Humanist organizations which had mushroomed in the immediately preceding decades .
4 On the other hand , in countries where fetal deaths for the maternal age group under 15 are not reported separately but are included in the under 20 age group , the relationship takes a " J " shape , since the chances for giving birth a viable child are poorer at the oldest childbearing ages than at the late teens .
5 Write-offs also rose faster at the regionals than at the money-centre banks .
6 When he peered into his mirror he saw himself already a little stooped in the shoulders , a little heavy in the body , the full cheeks beginning to hang , their old ruddy colour grown muddy and pale , strands of grey in the short , forked beard and at the high temples , and above all , that permanent , aching double pleat between the long , thin brows , scored a little deeper every day .
7 They buy their inventories of raw materials at the same times and at the same prices .
8 It seems to us natural that love should be the commonest theme of serious imaginative literature : but a glance at classical antiquity or at the Dark Ages at once shows us that what we took for " nature " is really a special state of affairs , which will probably have an end , and which certainly had a beginning …
9 In the car , on the homeward journey , Cassie found herself reflecting , as she glanced covertly at his profile and at the thin hands lightly gripping the steering wheel … those same brown and capable hands that had figured so prominently in her earlier fantasies … that he would make the perfect lover , if it were n't for his apparent indifference to women ; and perhaps , also , to having sex ; although this last was only an assumption .
10 Win or lose , Labour campaign workers will celebrate at party headquarters in Walworth Road and at the luxury offices at Millbank used as their campaign media centre .
11 Even earlier , as a diplomat in Beijing and at the United Nations in New York in the 1950s , then as a high-flyer at the elbow of two heads of the Foreign Office , he was marked for big things .
12 Consequently he is shown as the Chief Lector and narrator of the drama and at the yearly performances of the play was impersonated by a priest .
13 When you begin to think about it you grow dizzy , your stomach turns over , not just at the commercialism of it all , but at the aestheticism of it all , not just at the chequebooks but at the Intelligent Conversations , not just at the fifty percent but at the Sensitive Responses , not just at the winks and nods but at the Hushed Silence in the Presence of Art .
14 When you begin to think about it you grow dizzy , your stomach turns over , not just at the commercialism of it all , but at the aestheticism of it all , not just at the chequebooks but at the Intelligent Conversations , not just at the fifty percent but at the Sensitive Responses , not just at the winks and nods but at the Hushed Silence in the Presence of Art .
15 Although the rapid decline of the church courts into virtual desuetude over the eighteenth century removed the only institutional form of church control over the moral behaviour of the lower orders , they could hardly be unaware of the continuing power of the parson operating both through the vestry and through areas of personal control such as that over charity and at the vital moments of baptism , marriage and burial .
16 But we need to fill the gap , and by the way colleagues , I think it is appropriate , just to end this particular section of my reply with the comment that at the public services section conference from our count forty percent of the delegates there had never been to a G M B conference before .
17 Four thirty in the morning and at the Joint Forces Airbase in Mombasa in Kenya , the airmen of RAF Lyneham load another batch of food onto one of their Hercules transport planes .
18 In this section I want to look more generally at the ways in which arts and science are associated with ideas about gender and at the social implications of the differences between arts and science .
19 the social worker at the hospital or at the Social Services Department will help the family make plans if necessary
20 We were able to develop a scheme in association with people we knew at Birmingham and at Aston and at the Open Universities , whereby students could meet their fourth year dissertation requirements by working in association with publicly funded research and development projects .
21 Seventy five per cent of the modules will be common to all courses but at the professional studies level candidates will have a choice of four study routes to follow : construction management , commercial management , facilities management and project management .
22 The Department has facilities available at the School and at the playing fields at Goldenacre .
23 Bill Clinton 's advisors gathered at the White House to face yet another foreign policy challenge , proposing the use of U S naval power to enforce sanctions against Haiti and at the United Nations , U S diplomats were pressing for what would be a virtual blockade of the island .
24 This initial contact can then be followed up through subsequent casual encounters in the street or at the local shops , and through an invitation to a coffee-chat or meal to meet other neighbours .
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