Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] in this [noun sg] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 However , the facts of this case do illustrate the injustice which could arise if Miss Marshall is correct in the admirable submissions which she has advanced on behalf of the landlord , to the effect that in this case he was entitled to resort to self-help .
2 He added that " the USSR is taking part in the joint efforts to settle the conflict in Afghanistan and in this context it is ready to maintain any contacts , including with the opposition , if they can help to solve the problem " .
3 Such accidents are , of course , the exception rather than the rule and in this chapter we will concentrate on normal development .
4 ‘ I 'm not saying Eddie 's incapable of violence but in this case I think you 're on the wrong track .
5 It is interesting to note that the human gastric tumour cell line HGT-1 , which was derived from a primary tumour originating in an non-antral part of the stomach , had histamine 2 receptor which responded , maximally to much higher histamine concentrations of 10 - 3 to 10 - 4 M. Cells from the duodenum did not possess the histamine 2 receptor and in this study it was shown that two colorectal tumour cell lines did not seem to possess histamine 2 receptor indicating location of histamine 2 receptor may be confined to the gastric area .
6 The relevant statute empowered the minister to set up such a committee but in this case he refused to do so on the ground that the complaint was unsuitable for investigation because it raised wide issues ; that if the committee upheld the complaint he would be expected to make an order to give effect to the committee 's recommendations ; and that the complaint should be dealt with by the Board rather than by the committee of investigation .
7 Normally I 'd also put out road blocks but in this case it 's already too late . ’
8 Judge David told them , their lives had been devoted to the relief of pain and suffering but in this case they chose to inflict considerable pain on a young woman in their care , isolated by their way of life .
9 The Etruscans were great builders and in this respect they occupy a similar relationship to the Romans in the development of architecture as do the Pelasgic and Minoan peoples to the Greek .
10 But he is soon forced to the conclusion that in this case it is impossible to keep the aesthetic side entirely apart from the biographical .
11 Ideas developed and tested in the field should also command attention and in this paper we highlight one , highly pertinent , innovation in social care .
12 Thus an operational and detailed equipment specification is developed before any actual building planning takes place and in this way it is possible to give the Architect a very clear brief of the functional relationships of each part of the total system .
13 " There are so many amazing , wonderful plants and in this garden they 're all very uncontrolled . "
14 Once the conditions for the enforcement of a charge have arisen English law places few constraints on the right of the security holder to enforce his charge and in this respect it is pro-security holder .
15 Although in ’ Coarse Fisherman ’ I primarily write about coarse fish to be caught on lures — pike , zander , perch etc. — I do occasionally refer to game fish and in this feature I want to mention sea angling .
16 The people of Lewis do not always present a sympathetic profile but in this case they had my sympathy and for two reasons .
17 Again it is generally definable only through social custom but in this case it has more significance since the breaking of social taboo may have adverse effect on the child .
18 Er this erm world of fantasy is a very wonderful place because in this world it 's very easy to meet peoples ' I T requirements .
19 the American stuff but when you 're arrested you are always arrested on suspicion because in this country you are innocent until a cou a court proves you 're i er guilty , yeah ?
20 The term de-industrialisation has several meanings but in this section it refers to the argument that public expenditure pulls human and capital resources out of the manufacturing sector of the economy .
21 The exercise of cooperating with the other people , even though they 're in the same relative area than in this case it may be use of facilities for leisure , is not very easy and there may be a very very good cause to have a proper course in how to get on with other people , in these sort of cooperative ventures , so thank you for , for drawing our attention to it , it is an interes would be an interesting exercise to .
22 An excellent overview of organisational communication research written specifically with reference to the external organisational environment appears in a valuable compendium Handbook of organizational communication — a volume that in this context I am not ashamed to admit that I came across just by chance in a bookshop whilst looking for something completely different !
23 Some computers will perform this function on receipt of a sequence of control characters and in this case you can use VDU or CHR$ to send the appropriate codes .
24 If you were to use a DOS word processor as well as a DOS spreadsheet in the Windows environment then you can use the same method but in this case you would have to use the Edit , Paste command in the Windows Control menu box .
25 However , as usual there is a sting in the tail and in this case it is the fourth characteristic , that of differentiation , which gives cause for concern .
26 It is for this reason that in this book I ordinarily use kinship in its wider sense .
27 There can be little doubt that in this regard he is correct .
28 The meeting was chaired by Betty Sinclair , who reminded the supporters that their objective was to demonstrate for civil rights , for jobs and for houses : ‘ We are asking you to listen to the speakers , and what we have done today will go down in history and in this way we will be more effective in showing the world that we are a peaceful people asking for our civil rights in an orderly manner . '
29 Diane and her husband Geoff have now completed the trip and in this article she recounts their hazardous journey .
30 The universities side are all students and in this case they seem to know their place .
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