Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] leave [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When she comes to Henry VIII in her History of England , she observes that ‘ nothing can be said in his vindication , but that his abolishing Religious Houses & leaving them to the ruinous depredations of time has been of infinite use to the landscape of England in general ’ .
2 In the summer months do n't shut your plants in a hot car or leave them in the sun while they are waiting to be loaded .
3 6 assorted jars of chutney , unused ( I do n't know about you but I seem to accumulate chutney , pickles , lemon curd , etc. , faster than I can demolish it and rather than throw it away when useless , I 'd prefer to give it a good home — the best way of all is to sneak the jars into the National Trust shop at your local Hall or Towers and leave them among the chutneys already there )
4 Ian came with us part of the way , so we took two cars and left ours at the finishing point and Ian 's at the entrance to the track .
5 They then bundled him out of the car and left him on the road .
6 Take it from the liquid , sprinkle it with oil , press it between two plates and leave it until the next day .
7 He took limes from his pyjama pockets and left them on the blankets .
8 Ruth Michaelis felt betrayed from the time her mother brought her over to England and left her with the Reverend Stead and his family .
9 I remember when Mike was a baby and I went home with my shopping and left him at the check-out in Sainsbury 's .
10 Florence Ames took off her old shoes and left them on the step .
11 Any action on the part of a religious or other teacher which undermines an individual 's awareness of his personal and family duties and leaves him with the means to claim that a ‘ god ’ will relieve him of them , is an action which is utterly irresponsible .
12 The King approved of this decision , and indeed Lord Stamfordham wrote a memorandum which revealed that the King had seen Balfour on 8 December and told him that , ‘ If Mr Baldwin wishes to resign , the King will refuse , on the grounds that he is still the head of the largest Party in the House of Commons and for every reason , constitutional and otherwise , it would be right and proper for the Government to meet Parliament and leave it to the representatives of the people to decide whether or not they will support the Government . ’
13 So , I pull handfuls of weed and leave it near the water 's edge , giving at least some of the creatures the chance to nip back into the water again .
14 His concern was solely with effectiveness rather than style ; he rarely spoke with more than brief notes and left it to the occasion to furnish the words .
15 The right thing is for the two counties to get together and to make a joint decision and , if necessary , to have a public inquiry or to leave it to the Minister to call the scheme in if he is not satisfied .
16 SOMEONE broke into a garden shed in Wooteys Way , Alton on Monday night , removed a lawn-mower and left it in the middle of the lawn .
17 The assistant recorder refused to quash the two counts and left them to the jury on the basis that the services that the appellant did provide , in the ordinary meaning of the words , amounted to employment .
18 Shoppers fled after a man carried the device into the post office in Castle Street and left it on the counter .
19 ‘ They trussed me up in a skip and left me under the showers .
20 Perhaps I should mention now I mean I I I 'm not fill in questionnaire 's but it would it would be helpful if you actually did erm fill in that before you actually leave this evening and leave it on the on the table on the way out if that 's possible I think that , that information which you put on them would be useful .
21 Then on the Monday morning Law saw Salisbury and left him with the impression that Curzon could not be ‘ passed over ’ .
22 We have closed our ears to his cries and left him in the shadows while we walked in the light . ’
23 ‘ Pounds , ’ I replied as I wrote out my name and address on the back of the particulars and left it on the counter .
24 Gradually take all the weight off one foot but leave it on the board as a back-up .
25 The council may then recommend one name for approval to a general meeting of the association , or it may put forward more than one name and leave it to the general meeting to decide .
26 He cleared the breakfast things and left him with the small addressed postcard that he had been provided with to write a message on for his mother .
27 ANEW study of the poet of Xanadu and The Ancient Mariner has won the Whitbread Biography of the Year prize , earning its author £1,750 and leaving him in the field for the Book of the Year £20,250 prize , to be announced on January 24 .
28 I do n't need it Friday night and leave it in the that .
29 Two days before the 1986 meeting I took my starting blocks home to my flat and left them on the kitchen floor .
30 Mr. Newman has urged us to treat the Derbyshire County Council as the public authority and leave it to the court in each individual libel action to undertake the balancing exercise of the competing interests .
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