Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] people [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 No cars or people moved in the street outside .
2 And we get songs that people send into the office and once in a while we 'll come up with something that somebody just sends us .
3 He heard many voices as people passed on the pathway from the bridge to the ramp .
4 Leaving aside the money that people drop in the street ( or when making telephone calls ) here is a list of the top five places where coin losses occur
5 Second , the same is true of the mental work that people do on the job , for as this work grows more complex , it too separates out into distinct categories or types of mental activity .
6 The purpose of this text is to help students of hotel and catering management and people working within the catering professions towards a better understanding of those principles of English law which closely affect them in their day-to-day work in the hotel and catering industry .
7 The new King 's Cross scheme is vital as a national project , and for commuters and people living in the capital .
8 The argument is one of many currently raging between Sefton Council and people living in the town once known as the Garden City of the North .
9 There have of course been many other television programmes which have touched on the subject of mental handicap , including series such as ‘ Let's Go ’ , a weekly series for the mentally handicapped launched in 1981 , and followed by a second series in 1983 , and ‘ Accident of Birth ’ , a series mainly for parents and people working with the mentally handicapped broadcast in early 1982 .
10 That regrettable reminder that people existed outside the Casa Pinar had cooled everything to fast-freeze point .
11 and at the same time can I say that you do not equate elitist views and pleasures and pastimes that they may have down in the county somewhere with the kind of deprivation that people face in the inner cities .
12 It is inevitably a part of the normal grieving process that people search for the dead person in a multitude of ways , but it is very necessary for friends of the bereaved to help them choose carefully .
13 in 1992 , everything ( apparently ) starts with a D. With D-Ream and D-Influence leading the new D-Mobs , it would be a shame if people passed over the name D*Note .
14 ‘ The town hall was used for the toxic waste inquiry and the Butler Sloss inquiry and people affected by the issues had ready access , he said . ’
15 On one December Saturday , Hannah sat in the Craven Herald Bookshop in Skipton and people queued through the premises , out of the door , down an alleyway and along the High Street .
16 The sound of an approaching band and people gathering outside the Butcher 's Arms heralds the highlight of the feast , the united sing .
17 If my right hon. and learned Friend believes in cause and effect , will he assure the House that he has learnt a lesson from it and that not only investment in but the subsidy to British Rail will be maintained to provide the service that people expect from the railways as we approach the end of the century ?
18 Stocker was at pains to say : ‘ We have nothing which could be tested on humans … nothing yet which can help Aids patients or people infected with the Aids virus or any other virus . ’
19 We 're there for , to give the help and advice that people need on the day to day living , er because a person with say with a respiratory illness , er would need a lot of benefits er they , their lifestyle has to change , and often their home and adaptation has to change with , around it .
20 There 's loads of shops with their lights on and traffic and people hurrying along the pavement .
21 This ‘ test and isolate ’ approach , of which Cuba is an extreme example , has been universally condemned by AIDS activists and people working in the AIDS/HIV field who advocate community-based education , support and treatment , and research .
22 When archaeologists research the way of life that people followed in the past , finds can provide direct evidence — spindle whorls , loom-weights and , in exceptional circumstances , fragments of woven cloth clearly point to the production of textiles , for example .
23 She turned back to Elinor and said in the rather loud , slow , and contrived voice that people use for the deaf , ‘ I 've brought you a surprise , Nell . ’
24 Middlestone Moor Youth Centre is looking for new members and people to serve on the committee .
25 Within this discourse nation and people converged under the natural leadership of a Conservative Party which appointed itself as guardian , committed to the defence of their integrity against attack from hostile or alien forces .
26 Pie day had dawned bright and clear but tons of straw and cinders had to be hastily brought in as vehicles and people sank in the mud caused by the torrential rain of the past few days .
27 Picture to yourself the furore which they will make in the world when people read on the title-page that they have been composed by a seven-year-old child ; and when the sceptics are challenged to test him , as he already has been , imagine the sensation when he asks someone to write down a minuet or some tune or other and then immediately and without touching the clavier writes in the bass and , if it is wanted , the second violin part … every day God performs fresh miracles through this child .
28 Clients are often confused about treatments , as in the vignette quoted left , where the image of the laboratory test-tube , rather than a Petri dish , is still common currency and people talk about the GIFT operation ( gamete-intra-fallopian transfer ) as if indeed they are about to receive a ‘ gift ’ .
29 Streets are blocked and atheism has to give way as people kneel in the streets and cross themselves with the sign of the Holy Trinity . )
30 He was followed shortly afterwards by the sound of wooden clogs on cobble stones as people hurried to the mill before the hooter started .
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