Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] go [adv prt] into the " in BNC.

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1 We dress up like bit-part players in an epic on Scott and go out into the night where the air bites clean and deep , and the snow crunches in that beautiful cold way .
2 ‘ Be our guest , ’ said Noolan and went back into the social room leaving the large figure , head wreathed in cigarette smoke , seated at the top of the big committee sized table .
3 So the days were unhappy and the nights a bleak nothingness , and although I never actually put a rope around that pulley , nor loaded my shotgun and went out into the field and dug my own grave — as I had visualized so often — nor started my engine in the garage , yet I thought about all three , and on occasions I thought about one or other for days at a time .
4 And he said he was working with an old fellow which is getting on in age and he was quite absent minded and he said , I was about thirty feet from the ground on a ledge er filling er s a hole ready for shot for blasting and the old fellow was about twenty feet higher than him and then he was ss er whatsit another hole and then a at the top of the chamber there 's a little hole , he said , like a roof we call it which is a little passage that goes up into the next floor and then we used that as an escape route he did n't have to go far .
5 One of the university students said she had brushed past him in the corridor and gone out into the street .
6 He took the Mascot Missile 's keys from the tray in the hall and went out into the driving rain .
7 A group of us hastily slung together a plan and went back into the concert hall in an effort to oust the ruling junta .
8 Charles took a giant box of matches from the kitchen and went out into the garden .
9 She gathered her pages of notes and went out into the sunlit streets .
10 If you go to the racecourse you can bet at the course 's own betting shop or go out into the ‘ betting ring ’ where bookmakers have odds chalked up on boards .
11 We are doing a study of Debenham Church in History at the moment and went down into the village in the lesson time to draw the different types of windows in the building .
12 About ten minutes later , we decide we 've cooled down sufficiently to be able to leave the men 's room and go back into the restaurant .
13 So he had no recourse to masturbation that afternoon but went back into the lake instead , which was cold enough to supply one of the well-known Victorian antidotes to sexual desire .
14 I put on the towelling bathrobe and went back into the bedroom .
15 The strange thing was that it did not occur to her then to follow the Way Out signs , leave the station and go out into the street where a taxi could be found .
16 They have gone through privatization and ceased being Civil Servants and gone out into the cold and now they are suffering this blow , so they do , I think , deserve the most generous possible treatment .
17 She heard him slam the front room door and went back into the bedroom .
18 When the car was out of sight she shut the door and went back into the warmth of the lounge .
19 They cleared the thick , wooded hills of Oxford and went down into the open countryside .
20 Corbett rose , wiped his hands and went back into the priory .
21 We bought our tickets and went through into the grounds , sitting down just inside to admire .
22 Dorothea put on her coat and went out into the garden to cut some flowers for Eleanor .
23 Going through the scullery she pulled on an old coat and went out into the tiny back garden .
24 At this , the sorely-tried husband had broken into such cries of frustration and wrath that the good doctor had thrust aside his plate and gone out into the hall to discover what all the hullabaloo was about .
25 He took Hasan 's hand and went out into the clear light of April .
26 The riders turned a corner and went down into the village .
27 Breeze picked up her torch and went out into the night .
28 Whenever the circus came to a new town he used to dress up in his costume and go out into the streets with a clown on stilts and do a turn .
29 He squeezed her shoulder and went out into the hall after Pascoe who was just replacing the receiver .
30 I picked up my bag and went back into the cold street .
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