Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] it can [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The most difficult question is what to do with the beef mountain , created , in the words of one senior Commission official , by a process which ‘ takes the best beef , freezes it and so destroys it , with the result that it can only be sold to people who can not afford it . ’
2 This is an empirical equation but it can also be derived from free volume considerations by starting with a description of the viscosity of the system .
3 This structure should be generally more useful in the future because it can easily be expanded to store extra information , should this become necessary .
4 The weapon has a shorter range than the Repeater Hand Gun but it has the advantage that it can also be used in hand-to-hand fighting .
5 Never fear , because QED ( 0784 246236 ) have introduced a ‘ Discsaver ’ black box that juggles with the output signal of the deck so it can safely be fed through the ‘ Aux ’ or ‘ Video ’ input of such thoughtless systems .
6 Although the charge could be laid that CCM depends upon the imitation of other forms , so great is its variety and so gifted its musicians that it can hardly be accused of lacking originality .
7 Yet governments ought to resist the temptation to dismiss peace movements as representing only a minority opinion , for it is in the nature of a wider but vaguer anxiety about the issue that it can hardly be organized or form the basis of a coherent campaign .
8 That is to say , the spin is either " up " or " down " with respect to that direction and it can never be a bit " sideways ' .
9 One view , which is supported by the judgment of Lord Denning M.R. in the Court of Appeal in Lonrho is that ‘ it is sufficient if the [ unlawful means ] conspiracy is aimed or directed at the plaintiff and it can reasonably be foreseen that it may injure him , and does in fact injure him ’ and the Supreme Court of Canada has since stated the law in similar terms in a decision in which Lonrho was considered .
10 He must insist that work always goes to British firms and British workers unless it can only be done abroad .
11 Until recently acetylcysteine was not recommended for use more than 15 hours after overdose , but there is now evidence that it can safely be given to patients up to 24 hours after ingestion and perhaps even later than this .
12 Labour continues to neglect the cause of socialism to this day and it can justifiably be accused of undermining its natural supporters in the province .
13 Hallin rarely attends concerts and it can sometimes be days before the two parties make contact with each other .
14 We thought that the site over at the station centre would be good as a shop outlet and as office space for recycling , and that the site behind it would be a good place to keep all the stuff until it can actually be recycled , erm , so we identified the site to start with , then we started looking at what 's actually possible as op opposed to desirable .
15 Environmentalists oppose the deep burial method for dealing with radioactive waste , claiming that it constitutes a hazard for many thousands of years and should thus be stored above ground where it can easily be monitored for leakages .
16 So strong is the activity in these discharges that it can still be measured in the sea right down the western coast of Britain , northwards round the top of Scotland , and even as far away as Scandinavia .
17 It went ahead later on such a scale and at such a pace that it can now be seen as one of the most important facts of modem history .
18 However , there is little doubt that this phenomenon is a most important one in our species and it can only be explained by assuming that , with the beginnings of hunting , neotenous changes suddenly became adaptive .
19 This is the latest craze to hit the fairgrounds and it can even be seen in some discos .
20 Right , word full stop word Erm right , press return a few times then choose centering button and table , insert table , and now we 're going to have a table whe where I thought we could have a number and it can either be times or divide by something and then the answer , so we want how many columns ?
21 In England , James Robertson ( 1953 , 1958 ) , a colleague of Bowlby 's at the Tavistock Clinic , started a campaign to persuade children 's hospital wards to admit mothers together with their children , or at least not to restrict visiting in any way ; some hospitals welcomed the idea , others resisted it , but meanwhile a Government committee was set up which in 1959 published the ‘ Platt Report ’ on the welfare of children in hospital , recommending ‘ that all hospitals where children are treated will adopt the practice of unrestricted visiting , particularly for children below school age ’ , that ‘ it is particularly valuable for the mother to be able to stay in hospital with her child during the first day or two ’ , and that ‘ children should not be admitted to hospital if it can possibly be avoided ’ .
22 Notice that you should treat the new motherboard with great care as it can easily be damaged .
23 This would be particularly relevant in a management buy-out where it can easily be argued that management has as much knowledge of the business as the vendor .
24 A principle of continuity which is ‘ inscribed ’ in such a way that it can only be established by breaking into it , but which nothing can interrupt or change !
25 Transmission teaching , or ‘ recitation teaching ’ as it is more commonly called in the United States , is so pervasive within the school system that it can easily be interpreted as the ‘ natural ’ or ‘ proper ’ way to teach , as a network of rules and procedures special to the teaching environment which must be learned , rehearsed and developed in a practical way by the new teacher in order to gain competent membership of the teaching community , and of the classroom order in particular .
26 The chosen lexicon or word list must be represented in computer memory , but there are numerous methods which could be employed to do this , in order that it can easily be searched .
27 " The tomato " , says M. Verdier , " imparts its delicious taste , at the same time acid and slightly sweet , to so many sauces and dishes that it can fairly be classed among the best of condiments .
28 The bedroom can be a retreat but it can also be a bitter reminder of the comfort you would like to be getting from your partner .
29 It is not only easier to remember everything this way but it can actually be more fun too .
30 Coonts , whose experiences include flying A-6 Intruders from the carrier USS Enterprise during the Vietnam War , relates this aerial odyssey across America as it can only be told from the cockpit !
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