Example sentences of "[noun] [conj] have been find [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Proliferative abnormalities in normal looking colorectal mucosa are believed to represent an early phase of colorectal carcinogenesis and have been found in a number of conditions associated with a high risk for these malignancies .
2 Because he had already lost some weight and had been found to be anaemic the dietician was consulted to ensure that he received adequate nourishment .
3 This splitting has occurred on 24.4 per cent of the teeth , which is a higher percentage than has been found in any of the pellet assemblages ( Table 3.10 ) .
4 Partly as a result of this , it has been found that digestion in falcons causes greater modification of bones than has been found in owl prey assemblages ( Yalden & Yalden , 1985 ) .
5 Dr Kemp himself ! — the man who had one day been deprived of a jewel which he himself had traced to an American collector , a jewel for which he had been negotiating , a jewel that had been found in the waters below the bridge at Wolvercote in 1873 , a jewel which once united with its mate would doubtless be the subject of some considerable historical interest , and bring some short-term celebrity , possibly some long-term preferment , to himself — to Kemp .
6 In the same year Felix Klein , in his famous inaugural address at the University of Erlangen , stated his aim of using group theory to bring a unity to the various classical geometries that had been found since the announcement of the first non-Euclidean one by Lobachevsky in 1829 .
7 These newly discovered pieces of evidence are only fragments of scales , but they can be identified because they match those from complete skeletons that have been found in later rocks .
8 We found greater variability in albumin concentrations and albumin:creatinine ratios under routine clinical conditions than has been found under study conditions .
9 Two cases ( 3.6% ) of early gastric cancer and two cases of small gastric carcinoid tumours ( 3.6% ) were detected in addition to the five carcinoids that had been found at the initial endoscopic screening .
10 They 're all things that have been found in York .
11 The earlier text is believed to have been written originally in Syriac and to have been found at a Christian monastery in Khuzistan , south-west Iran , near the Iraqi border .
12 John Anthony Lane FCA of Far Hills , Grove Road , Tring , Herts having been found liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( ii ) in that he in Leighton Buzzard between 13 July 1990 and 20 August 1992 failed to deal properly and promptly with professional enquiries from Chartered Accountants and having been found to be in breach of Bye-law 76(c) in force at the material time and liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( iv ) in that he in Leighton Buzzard between 17 October 1991 and 7 November 1991 failed to provide information required of him by the Investigation Committee on 17 October 1991 in exercise of its powers under Bye-law 80(a) concerning professional enquiries from Chartered Accountants was reprimanded , fined £500 and ordered to pay £1,000 by way of costs .
13 The molecular mechanisms for a number of these sub-glass transition relaxations have now been established , and by way of illustration some examples of group motions that have been found to be active in a series of poly ( alkyl methacrylate ) s will be described .
14 It was discovered as recently as 1983 by Alain le Brun when excavating at the Neolithic settlement of Khirokitia in southern Cyprus and has been found to date from 6000 B.C. The important point about its location is that Cyprus has no wild cats and this means that the animal must have been brought over to the island by the early human settlers .
15 Pouchitis has not occurred in patients with constipation or megacolon but has been found in three of 24 patients with familial adenomatous polyposis .
16 One European scientist noted the potential military danger of a biological weapon containing vomitoxin , a substance that has been found in some of the samples of yellow rain .
17 In the book I have attempted to give a practical interpretation of the soft systems approach , an interpretation that has been found to be of value in many studies with which I have been associated .
18 Ramon considers that there were in fact similar political obstacles to the achievement of mental hospital closures in Italy as have been found in Britain .
19 The second part of the project will involve an assessment of the usefulness of statistical tests in deciding how to reformulate or reestimate an economic model that has been found to be inadequate .
20 The attempt to talk about ‘ the family in industrial society ’ implies some contrast with the family in ‘ pre-industrial society ’ , thereby apparently lumping together feudal Europe , the major empires and kingdoms of the Middle and Far East and the Americas , and the many forms of tribal , hunting , nomadic and peasant societies that have been found throughout different parts of the globe .
21 From the large numbers that have been found in this country ‘ key rings ’ must have been both popular and fashionable items : they also served a practical purpose for at the time pockets were not known .
22 Subjects with adenomatous polyps had an increased cell proliferation with an increasing trend of proliferating cells towards the apex of the crypt as has been found by thers .
23 ( FCA ) of , having been found to be in breach of Bye-law 76(a) in force at the material time and liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( ii ) in that he in Southport between 1 January 1982 and 24 May 1990 failed to deal properly and promptly with the affairs of a former client and in that he in Southport between 25 May 1990 and 15 August 1990 failed to deal properly and promptly with professional enquiries from registered accountants in respect of a former client and having been found to be in breach of Bye-law 76(d) in force at the material time and liable to disciplinary action under Bye-law 76(a) ( iii ) in that he in Southport between 6 November 1991 and 29 June 1992 failed to satisfy a judgement of the County Court in the sum of £539.40 was ordered to have his Practising Certificate withdrawn with effect from 31 October 1992 and to pay £100 by way of costs .
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