Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] a [det] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Chairman as a former supporter of fox hounds I have to say I am no longer a supporter of fox hounds , I would see the law of this land used to ban hunting with hounds and I support the motion .
2 It 's probably a harder sell because it 's four colour and it 's nine hundred pound for a little space like that but they 're doing quite well .
3 In the words of a former chairman of a British nationalized industry , when the economy fluctuates , ‘ ministers find it difficult to resist varying the targets or borrowing limits of the industries , frequently at very short notice , and these imposed fluctuations in general management direction produce severe strains on the efficient operation of the industry ’ ( Tombs 1980 : 5 ) .
4 The principle of including words of a former age in a modern rite is well established through the use of anthems .
5 Create beautiful barrel curls and perfect evening styles with a little help from Schwarzkopf .
6 They had melted the snow with a little water from the car radiators and now it was freezing into a mirror of ice .
7 In the area of competition and canvassing there are three general headings under which the courts will examine the existence of reasonableness of a restraint : 4.1 Restricted activities If the employer seeks by contractual restraint to restrict the activities of a former employee by proscribing the types of business in which the employee may become engaged once employment is over then he can only do so if he can establish a close connection betwee the restriction and the work done by the employee prior to leaving .
8 In many cases the professional certainties of a former generation of town planners were overridden by strident political voices and the activity fell increasingly into some disrepute .
9 ‘ Merymose is a braver man than I thought , if he is going to Kenamun of all people for the help of a former scribe of the Great Criminal ! ’
10 With the characteristic shrewdness of a former student of Chris Blackwell at Island , Ashley Newton finds a maxim to resolve the dilemma : ‘ there is no necessary contradiction between commercialism and quality ’ .
11 But he refused to comment on speculation that it was the home of a former girlfriend of Mr McEvoy .
12 3 Five minutes before the end of cooking time , mix the cornflour with a little water to a smooth paste and add to the stew to thicken .
13 Mix cornflour with a little water to a paste and add to the fruit to thicken .
14 Created by Alex Raymond in the 1930's Flash eventually made his way onto the Commodore with a little help from Mastertronic Added Dimension , a budget house set up by Mastertronic .
15 Cook the onion and garlic in a little water for 10 minutes .
16 The company commissioned its own EIA from a former consultant to Tara , Bob Dallas .
17 Describing the Labour leader as a former leader of the ‘ hard left ’ , it said people ‘ ca n't trust a man who will change any principle , abandon any policy , say anything to get elected ’ .
18 SCOTVEC courses for beginners are on the basis of a half day per week for one year while the NWRAC Home Machine Knitting Course requires a full day per week for two years , or three if Part 2 is included .
19 We have been asked to make it clear that the joint Essex County Council/Essex TEC scheme to create an enterprise centre at the site of a former school near Parkeston Quay ( reported in the EADT yesterday ) does not affect the company Autoprint , which will continue to trade from its premises at School House , Hamilton Street .
20 The Orkney Christian Fellowship was set up in the mid-1980s by a former Church of Scotland Minister , Alan Cowieson , who had caused division amongst a number of families while he was still Minister of the Evie , Rendall and Firth Parish .
21 Detergent one teaspoon of washing powder with a half pint of lukewarm water .
22 Together they choose the best plate to display the food , then Linda gets to work in the kitchen preparing the food for photography with a little help from Cheryl Baker .
23 Whittaker says there was a five-month search for Archie Norman 's successor but admits that his and Mulcahy 's knowledge of Kerr-Muir as a former competitor at Tate & Lyle was ‘ quite helpful ’ .
24 You stick the hook through the slug about a half inch from one end and then cast to a spot where the current will carry the slug beneath the roof of streamer weed , then place the rod in a rod-rest and watch it very carefully .
25 It also included , until her recent death , Lady Goold , wife of a former chairman of the Conservative Party in Scotland .
26 Earlier , Darlington magistrates listened to evidence from a former employee of Sturdy who contacted The Northern Echo with new information half way through the trial .
27 When , in 1651 , the Rump ordered guns from a former employee of his , Browne delivered an emotional remonstrance to the House of Commons : the state 's security , he claimed , depended upon a single gun-founder ; his enterprise employed a ‘ stock ’ of £30,000 , had overheads of at least £4,000 per annum , and had to be kept busy .
28 the so-called ‘ defense line ’ to which the Ambassador had referred was in actuality merely an enumeration of those sectors in the western Pacific in which the United States held firm military commitments : i.e. our responsibilities as an occupying Power in Japan , our special interest in the Philippines as a former part of United States territory etc .
29 The applications , which are likely to be approved , involve changing the use from a restaurant to a pub , including a flat on the first floor , and changing the use of a former restaurant to offices .
30 Either wait until the work in progress is completed or try consolidating the DCs into a fewer number of DCs .
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