Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] a [adj] [noun pl] or " in BNC.

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1 If there is no luck after a few days or the child is showing antagonism to the potty then the parent should leave the training for a few more weeks .
2 Those who could live on savings for a few weeks or months were ‘ that rare class ’ .
3 Immerse the section , slab or plaquette in the reagent contained in a suitable dish or tray for a few seconds or until the yellow precipitate forms .
4 Philip had opened the proceedings by again suggesting an exchange of conquests , but Richard opposed this , arguing that this would mean that he gave up lands , including the Quercy , which brought him an annual revenue of a thousand marks or more , in return for estates in Berry which , though they were fiefs belonging to Aquitaine , were in fact held by other lords and so were of very little direct financial benefit to him .
5 Previously , each initiative — on advanced materials , manufacturing technology , biotechnology , high performance computing , global climate change and science education — was described in a pamphlet of a hundred pages or more that included detailed budgets of what each agency planned to spend .
6 Nor could the academic organization of the schools remain as rudimentary as it had been : communication and management would not just ‘ happen ’ in schools of a thousand pupils or more , and the stream of curriculum innovation needed to be carefully channelled — especially in a system where each school enjoyed considerable freedom in choosing patterns of study and teaching methods .
7 It 's just a case of it 's just a case of a few individuals or people with rank who think they 've go so much power they 're gon na press people
8 These do require a certain degree of inference , but it is clear that under some conditions such remains can suggest the name of a sponsor , the reason for sponsorship , and the presence of a respected craftsmen or group of craftsmen At Avenches — and probably at Bavay — in France , and at Seriana and Timgad in North Africa , the names of individual craftsmen are attested ( although , as is shown by the inscription from Timgad , even differing ideas of the practice in which the craftsman was involved are apparent ) .
9 They may also know of people seeking work for a few hours or days per week , perhaps to help out with the garden , or heavier household tasks , or shopping .
10 Before the 1965 Immigration Act , Mirpuri and Bengali families would send their sons to England for a few months or a few years at a time .
11 Certainly , it was quite a strenuous walk — though I can say it failed to cause me any real difficulty — the path rising in zigzags up the hillside for a hundred yards or so .
12 Thus microclimate effects can have major short-term implications for local populations ( such as those brought about by the photochemical smogs of Los Angeles ) , are often applicable only over areas of a few hectares or less and may operate on a diurnal cycle .
13 Really detailed molecular records at a spacing of a hundred years or less will be necessary to predict the climate change in the future and we 'll really need that information if we 're going to live safely on this planet .
14 The nose-wheel is normally lifted at seventy knots to rotate at ninety , but because of the wind I held her down to 95 for a clean lift-off at a hundred after a run of a thousand yards or so .
15 You can take these courses either as an undergraduate and build up your degree over a few years or pursue a particular interest by taking these courses on a ‘ one-off ’ basis as an associate student .
16 So , too , are the increasing number of so-called closing down sales which often take place for a few days or weeks at the end of a shop lease .
17 In sophisticated market planning , a certain type of work can be selected at so early a stage , on the basis of a few examples or of some calculated or projected demand , that production , from that stage , no longer originates with the primary producer but is commissioned from him .
18 If your hospitalization is sudden , say , you are struck down with appendicitis at work , ask your work colleagues to telephone the neighbour who keeps your spare key and ask him or her to check that your home is all right , look after your pet or take your pet to a local kennels or vet to be looked after , water your plants , and generally keep an eye on things .
19 Afterwards I have a rest for a few days or go swimming ’
20 As this did not seem adequately to reach them , " In this country , we have only generally had waterborne sewage for a hundred years or so .
21 There was also the occasional case of petty theft , street fighting or traffic offences which often ended up with a plea of Guilty and a fine of a few dollars or a short period in goal .
22 ‘ Is there a potential on the Earth now , ’ Tooley asked , ‘ for catastrophic , subglacial floods raising sea level by 23cm in a few weeks or several metres in a few years ? ’
23 The additional shine will make the nameplate that much easier for your grandchildren to recognise when they see the piece on Antiques Roadshow in a hundred years or so !
24 They must be able to cope with aridity , high daily and seasonal temperature ranges , seasonal swings in photoperiod from long days to long nights , and a growing season ranging in length from three to four months on the polar fringes to a few days or even hours in higher latitudes .
25 More characteristic still are the thousands of tiny meltwater streams that trickle from ice-sheets and snow-banks for a few days or weeks each summer , often following the same channels year after year , and sometimes building up mats of vegetation along their course .
26 The polygenic nature of ageing contains a baleful message for gerontologists ; it is most unlikely that engineering of a few genes or intervention in a handful of physiological pathways will prevent the process from occurring .
27 A big advantage of using a medium-speed film such as APE 100 is that it is fast enough for hand-held camera use but not so fast that on bright days creativity is limited by the necessary use of a small apertures or high shutter speed .
28 What I must do is get to know the people over a few hours or days and find out what they 're trying to do , what their activities are , whether they have children or pets .
29 It was one of those typical Arctic mornings , with the sun shining through a veil of sea-mist which limited visibility at sea level to a hundred metres or so .
30 You may think you have to cut back on the necessities of life for a few days or cancel a treat you had promised yourself and the family .
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