Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] the few [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Further west , nitrogens in the few crops of Puffin barley so far harvested are said to be on the low side .
2 It might have been my colleague Ann — who knew my whereabouts — or even my editor , come to congratulate me on the first pages of Lover at the Gate which I had faxed through from the hotel 's secretariat — or even Sophie , come to apologize , though I hardly imagined she had been promoted from child to lady in the few weeks of my absence .
3 Even within these areas , there is smaller-scale , shorter-distance commuting for the few jobs in the larger villages and the smaller towns .
4 His podgy , clean-nailed fingers locked together and formed a vaulted shrine over the few pages of notes that contained my Mother 's life .
5 This section first compares prevalence in Wirral with the few studies of rates of opioid use in other parts of the UK , and then turns to an examination of the characteristics of opioid users in different areas .
6 Advice on living arrangements in the few weeks before departure may be necessary .
7 For example , of all the spare-time activities reported by affluent workers and their wives in the few days before being interviewed 62 per cent were in or about the home itself .
8 It would seem then to fall to those staff who happen to be bilingual , or to those few teachers who are actually engaged in the teaching of community languages , to raise general awareness in the few schools in which they are deployed .
9 There was a spaciousness and simplicity of line that made a perfect foil for the few touches of vibrant colour that drew the eye , and yet the whole effect was completely uncontrived , as if it had all come together naturally .
10 On the one hand , cognitive-behavioural interventions with a high turnover and short contact have yielded promising results in the few studies in which they have been attempted .
11 Extraordinary though such a testimonial may now appear , it was invaluable to Joyce in the few years before the war .
12 So they choose to plant grass and root crops in the few fields on the lower slopes .
13 At the same time , the social benefits in the few years since 1979 have been significant .
14 THE generally held belief that the marriage of Diana and Charles has broken down seems to depend on photographs of the couple on the few occasions on which they appear together in public .
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