Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] the last few [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Philip , who is to take his A Levels this summer , has been studying at Repton for the last few months and will join the Academy in August , two months after Zara arrives at the Academy 's Hemel Hempstead base .
2 I 've been loafing a bit for the last few days .
3 ‘ Putting on this performance has brought everyone together and there has been a buzz around the building during the last few days . ’
4 Perhaps he will be able to get the best out of Springbok centre Faffa Knoetze who has been battling with injury and actuarial exams for the last few seasons .
5 Harry had worked as tirelessly as his sister for the last few days ; now he sank down on to a stool beside his cannon out of sheer weakness , and began to weep at the thought of the wasted powder and the wasted water resulting from this misfortune .
6 She died in 1850 , having been allowed to leave the convent for the last few months of her life to be nursed by her sisters .
7 It 's been Huey , George , Ralph and Bert for the last few days , liquid laffs ahoy .
8 A downstairs room , once his study , had been turned into a bedroom for the last few months , and his bed faced the french windows leading into the garden he loved so well .
9 The house price collapse of the last few years has been a terrible dose of cold turkey for the home owning classes , but has it been a long enough agony to drive out the idea that there 's something inherently beneficial about rising house prices .
10 Li Yuan sat there a moment longer , thinking over the satisfactions of the last few days , recollecting the great feeling of ch'i , of pure energy , he had experienced in dealing with these matters .
11 The sharp fall in turnover of the last few years means that many people who might otherwise have entered the housing market currently remain outside it .
12 Josh Cornock was telling me the big tides of the last few days have brought the elvers down .
13 I mean , I think , there is something there that needs pursuing , I 'm not accusing all judges of being , inherently , you know , nutty , or , whatever , but , the number of cases that have come to light in the last few years , whether it 's because the press have just decided to home in on them ,
14 The end result was an undignified collapse in the last few days ’ ( Marsh 1978 : 176 ) .
15 The young members section has come on in leaps and bounds in the last few years .
16 ‘ Certainly , and since you mentioned the perfectly ludicrous notion of equal rights , what about these other bounders we have allowed into the club in the last few years ?
17 Well , given the opposition in the last few matches they ve not done too bad .
18 Mother Earth must be served , hence the explosion in ecology groups and Green Parties in the last few years .
19 She had lost weight in the last few weeks and the jeans were a little loose about her waist .
20 ‘ My main fault in the last few years , is being too laid back .
21 For travellers to the United States in the last few decades of the nineteenth century the immigrants to be seen at stations in the West , particularly in Omaha , were one of the most striking images of their visits .
22 I think we should give Fairclough a pat on the back for his performances in the last few games .
23 It is impossible to analyse from this source the rate of entry in the last few years , because brand-new firms are reluctant to advertise their newness in case this dissuades clients and candidates from trusting them and taking them seriously .
24 Danov said : " I certainly assume that Zhivkov and some other people in his government who have paraded their innocence in the last few years will be indicted . "
25 One such kennel is the Zarstøs Kennel , owned by Mr and Mrs L. and E. Anderson , who have produced some top winners in the last few years , the most famous of which is Int .
26 Australian mining companies have been pressing hard for the upgrade for the past 18 months but , ironically , demand for Landsat data in the last few months has dropped by 60 per cent .
27 ‘ Nothing further came from the ring until the last few weeks of the war .
28 It is not clear if the Government 's tactics over the last few days are typical of the muddle that has beset it in recent months or if it is deliberately designed to throw its opponents into confusion .
29 There 's been something like twenty per cent cut over the last few years and erm some faculty members have taken early retirement and left , so a lot of subjects have lost some of their most able people .
30 She well be reviewing the foundation 's programme over the last few years with the aim of identifying any gaps or areas where new initiatives might be needed .
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