Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [indef pn] more [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was natural to see these moving pictures as nothing more than a novelty , perhaps merely a passing gimmick ; they were , after all , only shown as an additional turn on the music-hall programme .
2 It is by no means unheard of for a band to be offered a deal on nothing more than a ‘ concept ’ .
3 It is amazing , with hindsight , to see the awakening of the theory of evolution dismissed by Gould as nothing more than a number of ‘ pleasing chats ’ ; but Gould was not a revolutionary and never claimed to be ; his en tire life and all of his works were designed to get him accepted by society and by science , not rejected by them .
4 Charlotte : Charlotte is a wealthy woman in her early forties who views aromatherapy as nothing more than an upmarket beauty treatment .
5 It is also easier to stop the forward movement in this situation , since many models require a positive effort to make headway against anything more than a stiff breeze .
6 In fact , he had no need of anything more than a lock of hair he showed me . ’
7 Together , the Big Five laid the foundations of the distinctive Scottish systems of a small number of large banks with extensive networks , as opposed to say the English pattern of thousands of small banks with nothing more than a local presence .
8 Robin Knox-Johnson has recently been honoured at the Silk Cut Awards for his seamanship in navigating his yacht Suhali one way across the Atlantic with nothing more than an astrolabe , a cross-staff and a lot of skill , and then back without a mast , engine , radio or compass after a battering in a series of storms .
9 Each chariot is drawn by two fine Elven steeds and carries a single Tiranoc noble who controls the chariot with nothing more than a spoken word .
10 The introduction of a geographical dimension at this level could be taken up even by those who saw evolution as something more than the selection of random variation .
11 RAI protests that this amounts to a colossal waste of money since it previously acquired Eurovision rights for nothing more than the duty of reciprocal access to material from Italy .
12 As a result of this potent combination of sentiment and self-interest , the war had assumed the character of something more than a military operation : in the minds of the military and of many civilians , left and right , it had quickly become a decisive test of France 's national will and international power .
13 The ancient streets could perhaps have been left to enforce their own low driving speeds through their narrowness , their cobbled surfaces and their lack of visibility over anything more than a few metres .
14 This view has long been linked with those who have argued that the company should not be specially regulated by the state since it owed its existence to nothing more than a contract between individual property owners .
15 As with the BROWNIES , gruagachs will happily serve their masters for nothing more than a cup of milk .
16 In fact , this emphasis has misled many students of price theory to understand the notion of the entrepreneur as nothing more than the locus of profit-maximizing decision-making within the firm .
17 It is true , these same trivial errors did cause me some anxiety at first , but once I had had time to diagnose them correctly as symptoms of nothing more than a straightforward staff shortage , I have refrained from giving them much thought .
18 The prince , who took his force into Wales from Chester in good tight order , and at every mile ensured his lines behind him , was on his guard against his own instinctive enthusiasm as well as against Welsh armies , and knew enough about them by this time to feel no surprise that he should probe ever more deeply and carefully into North Wales , and never touch hands with anything more than a darting patrol , gone almost as soon as sighted .
19 Since she was abandoned by her husband — under Ugandan Native Law a man can freely acquire other wives — Mrs Kizza has had to support nine children with nothing more than the 1,500/ ( £1 ) a week she earns from serving in a bookshop .
20 I defy anyone to enter upon altered states of reality with nothing more than a bottle of Trumper 's shampoo and an almost-empty tube of Guerlain 's Habit Rouge face balm .
21 As it also happens to be the only drinker on the Cherwell until you get to Islip , the murderous conspiracies and dark plots which so excite the Kidlington Kops amount to nothing more than the fact that when I opened my curtains that morning I saw the sun shining in a cloudless blue sky and decided to go for the longest and most pleasant of the river walks open to me .
22 Britain still talks of anything more than a 15 per cent cut in the CEGB 's emissions within ten years as being ‘ impracticable ’ .
23 The professorship in question was seen by the politicians as nothing more than a means of keeping the Laird of Cringletie happy ; it was , as Gorthie put it , ‘ a very good way to answer the Laird 's own expectations till once a good occasion offer ’ .
24 But in any case , Schopenhauer 's terms of reference were such that the poet-composer could never properly comply with them , for the simple reason that they reduced the role of the word in a musical context to nothing more than a necessary evil .
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